Anno Domini 1257 Troop Tree
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Custom troop trees give you options for building the best army for your custom kingdom. You can choose a troop tree with an almost unlimited number of branches, or you can use a tree with a limited number of branches. Whichever tree you choose, the troop trees will be more or less the same, but with a different choice of troops. Thus you can choose between a tree which has all the units on the first tier, or one that has the best units on each tier, or one that has the best numbers of troops by a certain category, or one that has the best troops in all categories.
The culture system works like this. When you build a troop tree, you can either choose the culture you want to play as, or let the game generate a culture for you. Once you chose a culture, you can interact with members of that culture to recruit them. Once you recruit a character, you can make him a lord (or king), or you can let the character be born. If you let the character be born, you can switch the character to a different culture by clicking on the culture banner of a member of the same faction. When the character changes culture, his stats are reset to new values, and if he is a lord (or king) he gains a new reward.
The new system is meant to be more immersive. For example, you can now zoom in and out of your faction's members to check their names, even at a troop level. You can also select specific members.
Faction member tree is now based on culture instead of faction. Since you can interact with members of another culture, you can choose which culture you want to play as, in addition to picking your own culture. Thus the game is meant to be more immersive.
The combat has three modes: Traditional, Modern and Medieval. Traditional has the biggest troop numbers, Modern has smaller troop numbers and Medieval has a huge variety of troops (with the exception of archers).
As I said, the game is very early in development. For a rough estimate of progress, here's a list of major features I'm working on (in no particular order):
New UI
More graphics (modelled/shader)
Improved pathfinding
New melee system
Improved troop trees
Improved recruitment system
A–realistic naval combat (different from land)
Player-controlled faction
Global player economy
Stability (the main reason I'm building a game system)
Player-controlled lords (via their own mod)
Player-controlled diplomatic events (via their own mod)
Player-controlled culture (via their own mod)
Localised language support (via their own mod)
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