Cd70 Central Eastern Europe V 2012 2013 Download For Free | Temp ##TOP##
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The layer of CORINE Land Cover Changes (CHA) is produced since the second CLC inventory (CLC2000). CHA is derived from satellite imagery by direct mapping of changes taken place between two consecutive inventories, based on image-to-image comparison. Change mapping applies a 5 ha MMU to pick up more details in CHA layer than in CLC status layer. Integration of national CLC and CHA data includes some harmonization along national borders. Two European validation studies have shown that the achieved thematic accuracy is above the specified minimum (85 %). Primary CLC and CHA data are in vector format with polygon topology. Derived products in raster format are also available. The seamless European CLC and CHA time series data (CLC1990, CLC2000, CLC2006, CLC2012, CLC2018 and related CHA data) are distributed in the standard European Coordinate Reference System defined by the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) datum and Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (LAEA) projection (EPSG: 3035). Results of the CLC inventories can be downloaded from Copernicus Land site free of charge for all users. 2b1af7f3a8