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In 1965, the S.50 was modified to accept a 118-US-gallon (400 l) drop tank, in order to haul out more fuel. This modification was carried out in South Africa on ten S.50E aircraft, and included the installation of a new wing, modified empennage, and a new cockpit. These aircraft were designated as S.50F. The South Africans also requested that the new engine installation have increased reliability, and replaced the high-maintenance Centaurus engine with the Rolls-Royce Spey. The S.50F was only produced in a single line, and only 20 aircraft were delivered to the South African Air Force.
A version of the engine module is offered for use inthe control of electric motors and other industrialmotors. The engine module can also be used as ageneric motor control for servo motors and industrialmotors. Installed in an industrial machine, the enginemodule can be used to control motors at speeds from 50 to250 RPM. The engine module can be used withindustrial power supplies and drives. The engine modulecan be used for motors up to 80Ain continuous duty cycles. The engine module usesa low cost, low power control circuit design that is inuse in the industry. The module incorporates a simple inputand control circuit design for two phase AC motors. Themodule is designed to operate from a DC supply of up to 24 V.
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