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Arvin juliana
Dec 04, 2021
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When you’re eating the foods that get you there (more on that in a minute), your body can enter a state of ketosisin one to three days, she adds. During the diet, the majority of calories you consume come from fat, with a little protein and very little carbohydrates. Ketosis also happens if you eat a very low-calorie diet think doctor-supervised, medically recommended diets of 600 to 800 total calories per day. Keto Actives
Arvin juliana
Dec 03, 2021
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Pain relievers are medicines that reduce or relieve headaches, sore muscles, arthritis, or other aches and pains. There are many different pain medicines, and each one has advantages and risks. Some types of pain respond better to certain medicines than others. Each person may also have a slightly different response to a pain reliever. Maximum Flex
Arvin juliana
Dec 02, 2021
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Eating carrots is good for your vision. Although it may sound cliché, it’s not entirely wrong. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, an essential nutrient for vision. However, vitamin A isn’t the only vitamin that promotes healthy eye function. Make sure that you include foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, and zinc to your diet. As you get older, macular degeneration can become your biggest challenge. Antioxidants can help reduce macular degeneration. As such, eat foods such as eggs, pumpkins, carrots, dark leafy greens, and sweet potatoes. Fish is also great for your eyes. Coldwater fish such as mackerel, wild salmon, and cod are rich in DHA, a fatty acid that strengthens cell membranes, including those in your eyes. Visisoothe
Arvin juliana
Dec 01, 2021
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With plenty of natural treatment options, achieving the hair of your dreams doesn’t have to feel so far-fetched. Just remember, there isn’t an ingredient or method that can actually make your hair grow faster from the root. Instead, you’ll want to follow the tips below to grow healthier, stronger hair that will reduce breakage at the ends and, in turn, promote length. Folifort
Arvin juliana
Nov 29, 2021
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CBD may help to reduce pain by acting on a variety of biological processes in the body. CBD has been shown to work as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. CBD may also reduce the anxiety that people living with chronic pain often experience. Pure CBD Gummies Customer Reviews
Arvin juliana
Nov 26, 2021
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Pain that usually begins in a specific location, such as the buttock, hip, thigh, leg, or foot and gradually spreads to other areas of the leg. Numbness and a prickling feeling in the affected areas. Weakness in the leg muscles. Nervolink Customer Reviews
Arvin juliana
Nov 25, 2021
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Before you begin the manifestation process, take the time to release all your disbelief in your power to be happy. In my experience, one of the best ways to clear the blocks of disbelief is to pray for release. Begin a daily practice of asking the Universe to set you free from all the limiting beliefs that block you from believing in your greatness. Moonlight Manifestation App Reviews
Arvin juliana
Nov 25, 2021
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Be sure to add non-starchy vegetables like greens, broccoli, peppers and mushrooms to dishes to add nutrients and fiber. To optimize weight loss when following a ketogenic diet, avoid consuming too many processed foods and instead focus on meals and snacks that contain fresh, whole ingredients. Keto Detox Pills Reviews
Arvin juliana
Nov 24, 2021
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Your cells use glucose, a kind of sugar, for energy. The hormone insulin helps get the glucose from digested food into your cells. People with fatty liver disease often have a condition called insulin resistance. That means your body makes insulin but can’t use it well. Glucose builds up in your blood, and your liver turns it into fat. Certain fats in your diet can help your body use insulin better. That means your cells can take in glucose and your liver doesn't need to make and store fat. Urgent Liver 911
Arvin juliana
Nov 24, 2021
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Joint pain is common in people who are overweight, so losing weight could relieve some of the pressure on your joints. Your doctor can help customize an exercise plan that’s right for you, but swimming and cycling are two ways to work out without putting too much stress on your joints. Golden Revive Plus
Arvin juliana
Nov 23, 2021
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It's not possible to completely reverse aging; it's the process of life. However, you can slow it down and help prevent age-related diseases by living a healthy lifestyle as you get older and using treatments that help slow the physical signs of aging. Age Reversal Technique
Arvin juliana
Nov 23, 2021
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A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you’re a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your grey matter as you age, there’s lots you can do to improve your memory and mental performance. Remind Solution
Arvin juliana
Nov 22, 2021
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CBD oil has been studied for its potential role in easing symptoms of many common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne and heart disease. For those with cancer, it may even provide a natural alternative for pain and symptom relief. Alpha Extracts Pure Hemp Oil
Arvin juliana
Nov 19, 2021
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In this article we talk about foods that improve memory and take care of your brain. You should not neglect them in your daily diet. Although it is clear that diet is not going to make us wiser or smarter and that by stuffing ourselves with raisins, we are not going to be less clueless, what science is clear about is that the diet we eat influences the functioning of our brain and, by extension, our stress levels, our sleep patterns, and even our moods. Therefore, although eating raisin tails will not make you have an elephant's memory, we can talk about foods that improve memory because they improve brain function in general. And it is that as we have already spoken on occasion our brain needs certain nutrients to function perfectly, mainly glucose, although minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, iron or calcium and fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6. Foods that improve memory Nuts Nuts are a source of healthy fats and protein. The carbohydrates they provide are not excessive and are mainly fiber. They also contain minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc and provide vitamins of group B and vitamin E. Eggs They contain B vitamins and choline, which helps during the learning phase and to fix what we have learned in our memory. They are a source of proteins of high biological value and contain Omega-3 acids. Fish Especially those that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna or cod. Omega-3 fatty acids are part of the gray matter of the brain and brain cell membranes and their consumption is associated with greater ease of learning and a lower risk of depression. Olive oil and avocados Olive oil, as long as it is extra virgin, and avocado are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that help maintain the integrity and structure of the nerves. Berries In almost any list of good foods for whatever, red fruits appear - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and antioxidants, which act against free radicals and delay cellular aging. Cherries Cherries are also rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. They are also a rich source of potassium and in less quantity of magnesium and calcium. They also have fiber that improves intestinal transit and vitamins A and C. Apples My grandfather used to say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away from the house and, popular belief or not, it is another of those foods that also appears on all the lists of foods that cannot be missing from our diet. They contain antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamin C. They are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Curry and turmeric Curry mixtures usually contain turmeric, ginger, coriander, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, ... The curcumin present in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so it is also a seasoning to consider in our dishes. Chocolate Cocoa flavonoids could be useful to improve brain function in cases of fatigue or insomnia, so it could also have beneficial effects on memory, but yes, to benefit from its properties we must consume dark chocolate that has a high percentage of cocoa. The most tricky part of a weight loss journey is to decide where to start. There is so much information available online that people often find it difficult to differentiate between the right and wrong. Every other day a new diet trend and supplement emerge promising quick weight loss results. The truth is weight loss is a slow journey and to lose weight healthily, you need to change your lifestyle habits along with your diet and workout routine. This will help you shed kilos, improve your overall health and keep chronic diseases at bay. BioRecharge
Arvin juliana
Nov 18, 2021
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Tomato is one of the tastiest and most beneficial vegetables for health, which is practically available to anyone, and is part of many diets to lose weight. Tomato can be eaten cooked, it can be raw (well washed), roasted, prepared in sauce, in a drink such as juice or in a gazpacho, tomato is a nutritious, refreshing and accessible food. However, the health benefits of tomatoes may be greater than those of any drug, the product of expensive and complex research, that man has invented. And, to date, no drug has managed to have as many therapeutic properties as the tomato has revealed, since it can prevent cancer and heart attack, as well as fight many other diseases. The benefits of tomato Tomato is a known remineralizer and detoxifier. In addition to the toxins that it expels due to its diuretic effect, it is also responsible for eliminating uric acid and reducing cholesterol. It is not surprising, therefore, that a study from the University of North Carolina, in the United States, found that people who consumed this food regularly had half the risk of suffering a heart attack than those who did not. The study compared 1,300 Americans and Europeans who had suffered a heart attack with the same number of subjects who had never had it. The conclusion was clear: the difference was in the consumption of tomato. The substance that, according to all the studies, is responsible for this result is lycopene, a pigment that gives it its characteristic red color. Lycopene is also found in watermelons, carrots, apricots, and grapefruits. The difference is that the tomato is the one with the highest proportion of this pigment, to the point that it provides 90 percent of what is necessary for the body. The different types of tomato There are different types of tomatoes, there are round, pear, cherry or 'cherry', vine and Montserrat, among others, but broadly speaking, all these varieties share the same nutritional properties: they are a source of potassium, phosphorus and Magnesium (necessary for the normal activity of nerves and muscles), provide us with significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B5, E and, above all, C and A –in particular, beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A–. Benefits of tomato for weight loss The tomato hardly contains fat. This characteristic, together with its diuretic power, makes it an exceptional ally in weight loss and weight control diets. It is also a food very rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment of the carotenoid family that gives tomato its characteristic red color. The Lycopene has antioxidant properties and numerous studies have shown that regular consumption helps reduce some types of cancer such as prostate, lung and digestive tract and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Its positive effects have also been contrasted in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and macular degeneration syndrome, the main cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age. Tomato nutrition facts Tomatoes are excellent sources of vitamins, fiber and minerals, in addition to helping you lose weight, anyone can benefit from tomatoes, regardless of age and whether or not they are looking to lose weight. Diced tomatoes (approximately 180 grams) provide you with almost half of your daily requirement for vitamin C. They contain vitamin A, K, B6, B1, and vitamin E, and potassium, folate, magnesium, iron, and protein. Have you already convinced yourself that the tomato diet is a true health cure as well as an ally for weight loss? Tomato protects free radicals Antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and natural colorants that protect the cells of our body from the damaging effects caused by free radicals, molecules that are formed in the human body when they come into contact with oxygen; that is, when we breathe. Free radicals are, in part, responsible for aging, cardiovascular diseases and the development of cancer, and they work by attacking cell membranes and the genetic material of cells - DNA. Tomato antioxidants protect against free radicals This process of cellular oxidation, which affects all tissues, occurs naturally and is inevitable since we cannot live without breathing, but factors such as environmental pollution, smoking, diets rich in saturated fat, taking too much sun and Excessive physical exercise contributes to increasing the production of free radicals. Most antioxidants can be found in plant foods, which is why it is so important to incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into our diet: they protect you against free radicals naturally. The three-great antioxidant 'potions' in tomato are vitamins C, E and beta - carotene (pro-vitamin A) Some of the foods with the greatest antioxidant power are: citrus fruits, nuts, spinach, onion –especially purple ones–, avocado, berries –blackberries, strawberries, blueberries–, cabbage, carrots, grapes., the pumpkin, the melon, the kiwi and, of course, the tomato. Tomato is very rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Tomatoes should not be green or overripe Lovers of pizzas, ketchup, and dishes washed down with plenty of tomato sauce are in luck: cooking and processing tomatoes does not reduce the healthy properties of lycopene. Recent research confirms that the body absorbs lycopene from tomato much better if it is consumed processed or cooked in oil - fried, roasted and in sauce - than natural or in juice. When it comes to buying tomatoes, we will opt for the freshest ones, with smooth skin without blemishes, soft to the touch and that are neither soft nor dented. They should be chosen neither too green nor too reddish, as tomatoes continue to ripen during storage. A trick to make ripe tomatoes last longer is to place them upside down and separated from each other. If they are to be consumed raw, they should be washed with plenty of water and a few drops of bleach to eliminate possible germs. In the refrigerator they can be kept in good condition for 6 to 8 days if they are kept whole and a maximum of 2 days in juice or crushed. During the conservation time, the tomato maintains most of the vitamins thanks to its skin and its level of acidity. Tomato is a staple in the kitchen Due to its versatility and flavor, the tomato is one of the star foods in the kitchen. A culinary wild card that can be prepared in countless ways: raw and seasoned in salads, in juices, with bread and oil, fried, roasted, in consommé and jam and many other ways. How to prepare tomato in sauces To prepare sauces, the tomato must be ripe, so it will have a less acid taste and will thicken better. If you want to correct the taste of acidity, just add a teaspoon of sugar. It is also preferable to peel the tomatoes before preparing them in sauces or scammed. To remove the skin easily, a small cross-shaped cut is made at the base and immersed in boiling water for a few moments; When the skin begins to rise, it is removed and allowed to cool. The basic ingredients to prepare a good tomato sauce are: · 2 chopped onions · 2 garlic cloves, minced · Salt · olive oil · ripe tomatoes and, as we have indicated, a pinch of sugar to eliminate the acidity. Cook everything in a frying pan over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes and, to make it fine, go through the masher or blender. For salad. Salad tomatoes are generally hard, larger than the rest of the varieties and with a slightly greenish tone at the base The tomato diet for weight loss In turn, this tomato diet to lose weight can be very effective in detoxifying the body. In addition to helping, you lose weight, the tomato diet has a lot of benefits for your health and that of your family. Above all, tomatoes contain many antioxidants, which include lycopene, which in the background red pigment, which we find especially in the summer. The high concentration of lycopene and other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, protect your body from the harmful action of environmental factors. Tomatoes are also very low in calories - it has only 17 calories per 100g. They do not contain fat or cholesterol, so they can be included in healthy diets, especially in weight loss diets. Avoid strict or boring diets, only based on tomatoes, but rather try to integrate them into your daily menu. Starting the Diet to lose weight This diet must be carried out with great care in people who suffer from diverticula, and as always, this article is merely informative, it does not supplant the advice of a health specialist and consultation is recommended before making any forceful changes in the diet. It is advisable to consume at least 2 liters of water, exercise during the diet and walk for about 30 minutes each day. On an empty stomach A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Breakfast Two tomatoes boiled and seasoned with rosemary. lunch Salad of tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing. Snack A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Dinner Salad of tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing. Before bedtime A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Additional for when hunger strikes Blend 5 mint leaves, half a lemon with peel, 1 carrot, 2 glasses of mineral water and half a tomato Weighing too much is not good for your health. Being overweight increases your risk of health problems, like heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some kinds of cancer. A calorie is a unit of energy that your body gets from food. Calories are stored as fat if you eat more calories than you need. ExtraBurn Keto
Arvin juliana
Nov 17, 2021
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When determining the importance of a food in the diet, the nutrients are often the only elements considered, whereas, in reality, there are other components of the known foods called “non-nutrients” that are of enormous interest in regards to the health, for example the colors of food. In some cases, they have important physiological properties and are therefore considered bioactive substances. These substances are called "phytochemicals" when they are found in plants. Among these phytochemicals, some stand out because, in addition to having beneficial properties, they give pigmentation. The colors of the food are the resultant. The products that Mother Nature gives us are wonderful, but we do not have easy access to know what are the benefits we gain when we eat them. It would be really extraordinary if the shelves of vegetables and fruits in the supermarket, indicated us what are the benefits that we would obtain for our body if we consume them, especially when we want to eat well and healthy. The influence of food colors on health But if the supermarket does not give us that information, we can start doing the research, and it is very simple if we use a relationship to learn about the properties of natural foods, and as we mentioned above, it is through the colors of their phytochemicals. It is through this pigmentation that we can know in which family of nutrients fruits and vegetables are grouped and thus be able to make our more conscious choices to design a diet according to our health requirements. That is why we have prepared this information to give you an approach to the nutritional components according to the colors of the food: 1. Red color in food The color red in food is often used in most restaurants, as it stimulates the appetite. In the case of food, red stands for lycopene, and it is known to reduce the risk of acquiring certain types of cancer such as prostate cancer. Fruits and vegetables that have this color also have folic acid and vitamin C, including flavonoids that are known to reduce inflammation. Increase your consumption of tomatoes, guavas (red), watermelon, red pepper, and pink grapefruit. Also, blueberries, although their red pigmentation is not due to lycopene, but to anthocyanins. This fruit contains tannins that prevent bacteria from adhering to cell walls. 2. Green color in fruits and vegetables You can keep your eyes healthy by eating lots of vegetables that contain high amounts of lutein. Lutein helps prevent macular degeneration, as well as cataracts. What's even better is that other green cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and kale can also help flush out toxins in the body that can cause cancer. Adding more greens to your food means that you are also increasing your intake of vitamin K, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and carotenoids. People with high blood pressure should include green leafy vegetables in their diet, as they can help lower blood pressure. 3. Yellow / orange Carrots, squash, apricots, sweet potatoes, melons and mangoes are fruits and vegetables with yellow or orange pigmentation. When you see these colors, yellow or orange, they are a good indication that the product contains beta-carotene, which, in addition to improving the health of the eyes, can also help stimulate the immune system. Swiss chard and spinach are also packed with beta-carotene, but due to the high amounts of chlorophyll, the green color became more pronounced. 4. White You are probably avoiding all white stuff (white poisons) when shopping for groceries such as refined sugar and white bread because they are not good for your health, but you do make an exception when it comes to vegetables. White vegetables and legumes such as onion, chives, garlic, leeks, and cauliflower contain allicin that are known for their ability to fight cancer, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of acquiring bacterial and viral infections. 5. Blue / purple For those who want to maintain their youthful glow, go for the darker colors. Fresh products that come in darker shades like deep purple or blue are high in anthocyanins, which is a type of antioxidant that increases circulation, improves brain health, not to mention stop any signs of aging. These tones in vegetables and fruits are also useful in the fight against cancer, including any type of heart problem, as they prevent any clot formation. The cranberries, plums, blackberries, red grapes, red cabbage and include it in your diet if you want to look younger beyond your years. Although many health enthusiasts suggest consuming foods that are within a specific color, it is still best to go for a wide range of colors when it comes to your fruits and vegetables to reap the most benefits. It is not yet clear how much vegetable or fruit of a specific color should be consumed to obtain a certain number of antioxidants or flavonoids. This is why going on a diet with as much color as possible is highly recommended rather than limiting your food choices to certain colors. Now that you know the health benefits you can get from certain nuances; you can be as creative as you want when you're in the kitchen. Prepare meals where the colors mentioned above can be incorporated to enjoy a healthy and delicious meal. Prepare this multicolored salad and take advantage of the delicious flavor and nutrients of green, red and yellow peppers. Multicolored bell pepper saladfood colors Ingredients · 4 bell peppers (red, green, yellow and orange colors, cut in half, seeds and stems removed) · 1/4 cup good quality black olives · 1/4 cup sundried tomatoes in oil (rinsed and chopped) · 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil · 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar · 1/8 teaspoon sea salt · a bunch of parsley finely chopped Grill the peppers over medium-high heat, turning once, until soft and charred in spots, about 5 minutes on each side. When cool enough to handle, chop the peppers, add the olives, sundried tomatoes, oil, vinegar, parsley, and salt to a large bowl. Tips and Notes Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Nutrition Per serving: 107 calories; 7 g of fat; cholesterol 0 mg; 10 g of carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 1 g of protein; 2 g of fiber; 330 mg of sodium; 331 mg of potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (200% of the daily value) The 3-Day Diet is a very specific food plan that is meant to be followed exactly as outlined. Portions must be eaten exactly as specified. Eating more than is recommended is not advised and it recommends dieters consume all meals, even if they are not hungry. Dieters are also instructed to drink 4 cups of water or other beverages that do not have any calories each day. Exipure Review
Arvin juliana
Nov 16, 2021
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Biotin is part of the group of B vitamins found in food. It helps the body convert food into energy and plays many other important roles in health. Biotin benefits hair and nail health, supports a healthy pregnancy, and helps control blood sugar levels, among other benefits. This article describes seven roles biotin plays in the body. It also explores food sources of the vitamin and safety considerations. Biotin, a B vitamin, is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and is available as a dietary supplement. What is biotin? Biotin is one of the eight B vitamins. It is also known as vitamin B-7 or vitamin H, in which case the H stands for " Haar und Haut ", the German words for " hair and skin ". Biotin is soluble in water. The body does not store water-soluble vitamins, so people must absorb them from their diets and through the food they eat. Biotin is necessary for the function of several enzymes known as carboxylases.These are part of important metabolic processes, such as the production of glucose and fatty acids. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends the following biotin intake per day: · 30 micrograms (mcg) for adults, including during pregnancy. · 35 mcg during lactation. The Biotin deficiency is quite rare. However, some people, such as pregnant women and people who drink large amounts of alcohol, can develop mild deficiencies. Also, eating raw eggs on a regular basis can cause biotin deficiency, because raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin that binds to biotin, preventing the body from absorbing it. Cooking eggs deactivates their avidin. This water-soluble vitamin is a cofactor of five carboxylases (propionyl-CoA carboxylase, pyruvate carboxylase, methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase [MCC], acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) that catalyze critical steps in acid metabolism fatty, glucose and amino acids. Function and benefits of biotin Biotin performs a number of important functions in the body, including: 1. Breakdown of macronutrients Biotin helps the body convert food into energy: it supports a number of enzymes involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Specifically, biotin is involved in: · Gluconeogenesis: This is the synthesis of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates, such as amino acids, and enzymes that contain biotin help start this process. · Fatty Acid Synthesis - Biotin aids enzymes that trigger reactions that are important for the production of fatty acids. · Amino Acid Breakdown - Biotin-containing enzymes are involved in the metabolism of several important amino acids, including leucine. 2. Improves nail health The brittle nails are brittle and easily split or crack. A biotin deficiency can lead to brittle nails. For people with this deficiency, taking supplements containing biotin may improve the strength of their nails. Changing your diet and other lifestyle factors can help improve nail health, as can some commercial products. 3. Improves hair health The diet can play an important role in healthy skin and hair. For example, some foods for healthy hair include eggs, Brazil nuts, and fatty fish. Many hair products that claim to promote stronger, healthier hair contain biotin. The biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, indicating that vitamin is involved in maintaining healthy hair. However, little research has linked the vitamin to hair health in people who do not have biotin deficiencies. 4. Support during pregnancy and breastfeeding Biotin is very important for pregnant or lactating women. While symptomatic biotin deficiency is rare, low levels of biotin are common during pregnancy. In fact, about 50% of pregnant women in the United States may have at least a mild deficiency. This level of deficiency can affect a person's health, but not enough to cause noticeable symptoms. Health professionals believe that this deficiency is common among pregnant women because the body breaks down the vitamin faster during pregnancy. As a result, a pregnant woman may need more biotin, from diet or supplements, than a woman who is not pregnant. That said, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding. 5. Reduction of blood sugar in people with diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels and impaired insulin function. A biotin deficiency can alter the regulation of blood sugar or glucose. Some evidence shows that biotin levels in the blood may be lower in people with diabetes. Animal studies have suggested that supplements containing biotin and chromium picolinate might prevent insulin resistance. The researchers have also studied how biotin supplements affect the levels of blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes results have been mixed, but some studies have shown that taking biotin and chromium picolinate may help treat diabetes type 2. In general, fully understanding the effects of biotin on diabetes and blood sugar control will require more high-quality research. 6. Improves skin health Scientists do not fully understand the role of biotin in maintaining healthy skin. However, people with biotin deficiencies can experience skin problems, such as red, scaly rashes. Some people also believe that biotin can help improve psoriasis. The influence of the vitamin on the skin may be due to its effect on fat metabolism. This process is important for maintaining healthy skin and can be affected in people with low levels of biotin. It is important to note that no evidence shows that biotin improves skin health in people who do not have a deficiency of the vitamin. 7. Support in the treatment of multiple sclerosis The multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. It damages the protective covering of nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and eyes. This protective covering is called myelin, and biotin can play an important role in its production. Studies have shown that people with MS respond positively to daily doses of biotin of up to 300 milligrams (mg). This supplementation can reverse disease progression and reduce chronic disability. What are good sources of biotin? Biotin exists in a wide variety of foods, which helps explain why a deficiency in the vitamin is quite rare. Foods that are particularly rich in biotin include: · viscera, such as liver and kidney; · yeast; · egg yolks; · cheese; · legumes, such as soybeans and peanuts; · green leafy vegetables; · cauliflower; · mushrooms; · nuts and nut butters. Also, gut bacteria produce some biotin. Some people take supplements that contain biotin on their own or in a combination of vitamins. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, and any that the body does not absorb is excreted in the urine. However, there have been some reports of high doses of biotin causing strange results in thyroid tests. Anyone who has a thyroid condition can benefit from consulting with a doctor before trying a biotin supplement. Your cells use glucose, a kind of sugar, for energy. The hormone insulin helps get the glucose from digested food into your cells. People with fatty liver disease often have a condition called insulin resistance. That means your body makes insulin but can’t use it well. Glucose builds up in your blood, and your liver turns it into fat. Certain fats in your diet can help your body use insulin better. That means your cells can take in glucose and your liver doesn't need to make and store fat. Urgent Liver 911
Arvin juliana
Nov 15, 2021
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At Vida Lúcida we have already talked about the multiple uses of sodium bicarbonate in health care and cleaning, and the uses of vinegar are also many. In this case, we will focus on the preparation of a natural hair shampoo, which will give us many benefits, not only in financial savings, but also in how healthy hygiene is with these products. Properties of bicarbonate and vinegar suitable for cleaning · The sodium bicarbonate has an acidic pH · And vinegar has a low pH. But there is a wide variety of vinegars (such as wine, rice vinegar, apple, walnut). The vinegar that contains more acetic acid makes it more powerful. When you mix the vinegar with the baking soda, since both are perfectly combined, a reaction is generated with the acid in the vinegar and the base that is the baking soda to form an ideal mixture to create a natural shampoo. Sodium acetate is an abrasive, something like using salt directly. Actually the result will depend on the proportions of bicarbonate and vinegar that have been used. It is advisable to use both products together and they should not be mixed to avoid an unwanted chemical reaction. If you have dry hair, this system may not be the most appropriate for you, as baking soda can further dry out your hair. Natural shampoo with baking soda Preparation and application for hair washing Before showering, prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of warm or hot water (short hair). In a small plastic bottle mix well, shaking vigorously. The ratio is one-part sodium bicarbonate to three parts water. If your hair is very long you will need 3 or 4 tablespoons of natural shampoo. · The hair is washed with this mixture and left to act for 1-5 minutes. · Rinse the baking soda with clear water. · Do not use more than once a week Using vinegar as a conditioner To use it as a hair conditioner, you can use both apple cider vinegar, or cider vinegar and distilled white vinegar. You can mix two tablespoons of vinegar and add it to a cup of warm water. Then the content should be introduced into a bottle and shaken, once it is well mixed it can be put directly on the hair and distributed very well. The smell of vinegar should not be a problem, if the proportions are mixed very well, in addition, once rinsed, the smell disappears but not its beneficial properties for the hair. Optionally, 3 drops of lavender, rose or geranium essential oil can be added to perfume the hair. Side effects: It is important to know that the strong alkalinity of sodium bicarbonate, if used regularly, in the long term, it can damage the hair, even using apple cider vinegar as a lightener. The most important behavioural risk factors of heart disease and stroke are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol. The effects of behavioural risk factors may show up in individuals as raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, raised blood lipids, and overweight and obesity. These “intermediate risks factors” can be measured in primary care facilities and indicate an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other complications. Prociva
Arvin juliana
Nov 11, 2021
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The coconut oil keeps surprising. It has a host of health benefits and nutritional properties, exotic and sweet taste and seductive aroma. There are more and more uses and benefits that can be taken advantage of this versatile and healthy oil, and a very important one is in natural cosmetics. If you are not using it this way, start today. You no longer want to go back to commercial, buttery toxic creams after trying this tropical beauty. How to use coconut oil in natural cosmetics? In this article we are going to explore some of the uses of coconut oil in natural cosmetics and body care. And you will find that it is great when what you eat, it can also be used to protect and improve the health and appearance of your body. Unrefined, organic cold-pressed coconut oil is your best option, as it contains vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are beneficial for skin and hair products. 1. Best moisturizer for the skin This is the most obvious and common use of coconut oil in natural cosmetics. When applied after showering, it makes your skin smooth and glowing. It reduces scar marks and stretch marks and rejuvenates the skin. At first, it tends to be greasier in consistency, but absorbs quickly into the skin. Another option is to use coconut oil as a carrier with the best essential oils for healthy skin. Coconut oil can also be used for the face and actually makes your skin less oily by removing dirt and unclogging pores. Start with a small amount (the size of a pea / pea) and apply around the eyes and face, and up to your lips if they are dry and chapped And don't forget you can extend the use of coconut oil in your bedroom and use it as a massage lotion or lubricant. Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for vaginal dryness. 2. Coconut oil to disinfect mouth Natural cosmetics not only covers what has to do with the care and beauty of our skin, but also with our teeth. If you haven't done it before, coconut oil is great for oral care, cleansing your mouth of harmful bacteria and toxins that cause inflammation. · Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil when you wake up in the morning and before eating anything. · Rinse your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes. · Spit out the oil (don't swallow - it's full of bacteria). · Brush your teeth. Some also add a drop of essential oil to coconut oil to enhance the antibacterial and antiviral properties. For example, you can use eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, or clove essential oil. You can also use coconut oil as a toothpaste. 3. Efficient hair treatment Coconut oil can be used both as a pre-wash or post-wash hair treatment. It has been found to reduce protein loss in both damaged and undamaged hair. Since hair is primarily made up of protein, supplying sufficient protein is essential for healthy hair. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science compared coconut oil to mineral oil and sunflower oil. The experiments showed that mineral oil and sunflower oil had no effect at all on protein loss, while coconut oil makes a significant difference. To avoid the greasy effect, it is best to add a little coconut oil as a pre-wash: · Take ½ tablespoon of coconut oil (the amount also depends on the length and volume of your hair). · Apply the oil, starting from the roots to the tips. · Leave the oil for 10 to 15 minutes. · Rinse hair well and wash as usual. Another option is to use apple cider vinegar rinse, it is natural, non-toxic, antiseptic, and also leaves hair soft and shiny. Don't worry, the smell goes away when it dries. 4. Caring for frizzy hair Natural cosmetics make very good use of coconut oil in everything that has to do with the beauty of the hair and scalp. It is a very helpful oil and works as a very effective natural remedy. For example, if your hair is very curly, you can use a little coconut oil to tame it. Dry curly hair tends to stand up when you brush, so put some coconut oil on your fingers and brush it into your hair to avoid frizz. Make sure you don't overdo it on the oil or you'll end up looking oily. 5. Coconut oil for leg shaving When it's time to shave your legs, apply some coconut oil to your legs before you start. This will make the skin smoother and less irritated. It can also be used as a post-shave / wax treatment to calm the skin and reduce unpleasant sensations. 6. Natural home remedy for nail fungus Many are aware of how resistant nail fungus is. After months and years of treatment, they still persist. Coconut oil works great because it goes towards the fungal membrane. Fatty acids insert into the membrane and disrupt its function, which ultimately leads to disintegration. · Take some coconut oil and rub it on the affected area. A small layer of oil will suffice. · Let it absorb and dry. · If you have more than one nail that needs to be treated, wash your hands before applying the oil to the next toe, or wear gloves. · Repeat two to three times a day. It is very important to be diligent and patient, so do not skip a session. 7. It is a good carrier oil Many essential oils have to be diluted, and coconut oil works very well as a carrier oil. The use of a carrier oil is crucial when working with powerful essential oils and / or when trying to cover a large area of ​​the body. Simply mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil and enjoy the many benefits. 8. Face make-up remover Coconut oil makes removing makeup one less task because it is a very gentle oil for this part of our day at night that we have to do before going to sleep, especially if you are one of the women who usually uses makeup. Wash your face first and then use the coconut oil to remove the rest of the makeup. It is gentle to remove makeup, leaving the skin free of makeup particles from both the face and the eyes. 9. Coconut oil for finger and toe nail treatment Coconut oil is not only good for body massage, but also for gentle finger and toe nail massage, and can help soften rough cuticles. Just apply a little oil on your fingers and nails and massage as many times as you want. This is a great fungus prevention too - as mentioned above, especially on the feet. Coconut oil is a powerful warrior against those pesky fungal infections. 10. Treatment for rashes and burns The natural cosmetics with coconut oil also comes in the treatment of skin for rashes and burns. It is also effective on diaper rash and can be used safely with little ones. Another option is to mix coconut oil with tea tree essential oil. This oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Just combine 1-2 drops of tea tree oil with a little coconut oil and massage gently on the rash. The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). It produces fluid that makes up a part of semen. VitaPost Prostate Plus
Arvin juliana
Nov 10, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Do you want to look beautiful, but you have problems with cellulite? We will help you learn the myths and truths about cellulite. We will teach you how to reduce cellulite on the legs and buttocks. Did you know that between 85% and 98% of women suffer from this at some point in their lives after adolescence? Don't worry, it is possible to delete it. What is cellulite? This accumulated fat is located below the surface of the skin and has the effect of making the area look like holes. It is more common in adolescent and adult women. Although it is not a serious medical condition, it is often a headache. This does not put our health at risk, but it is an aesthetic problem that strongly affects the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. How to get to form cellulite? Due to insufficient circulation and hormonal activation, due to genetics and it may also be due to the sedentary lifestyle. What are the myths? · Cellulite is caused by toxins in the body - certainly not. Some oils that are usually sold to treat cellulite claim that they can help eliminate impurities and toxins that you present in your skin. The fundamentals of these oils are not backed by science. Remember, cellulite is caused by the accumulation of fat and poor circulation, not by toxins. · Only those who are overweight suffer from it: of course not. Proof of this is that 9 out of 10 women suffer from it. Of course, food has an influence. But you can eat very "healthy", have a good figure and have cellulite. This phenomenon occurs in almost all women, even the thinnest. · "Anti-cellulite" creams can cure them: logically not. No study of science has proven this to be true, and many have been done. Creams can take care of your skin, hydrate it and make it look better, but it is only a montage. This does not remove it and cannot prevent it from appearing. Truths about cellulite It has a genetic basis: commonly the severity of cellulite is largely hereditary, if your mother or grandmother suffers from it, it is very likely that you will get it. Very little can be done against this, but the deciding factor in its severity is diet and exercise. Age influences: you should know that hormones play an important role in this. After menopause, estrogen production decreases. What are estrogens? Hormones that help the blood circulate much better. This results in a decrease in new collagen and a much greater decline in connective tissue, which produces more and more cellulite. Food: diet plays a major role in the appearance of cellulite. A balanced diet prevents inflammation and fat accumulation, which makes it worse. Drink lots of water and eat a good diet. Productive exercises that will help you overcome the myths and truths about cellulite Did you know that cellulite is removed by exercising? If you change your lifestyle, you can forget about them forever and achieve the body you have wanted so much. We will show you some exercises for cellulite in the legs and buttocks. 1. Exercise 1: for this exercise you will need a chair. First place the back of the chair against a wall that prevents it from sliding, then stand to the side, grab the back of the chair with your right hand and try to raise your left leg as high as possible, then lower the leg and bend your knee and raise it again. Then do it with the other leg. Perform this series 6 times of 15 or 20 repetitions on each leg. 2. Exercise 2: you can place a blanket on the floor and lie on your right side, place your right hand under your head and then raise your left leg up. Raise and lower your leg without bending your knee and without touching the other leg, then do it with the other leg. Do 6 times this series with 15 or 20 repetitions on each leg. 3. Exercise 3: perform normal squats, keep your back always straight, when you go to bend your legs, join your arms in a prayer position. You should do this exercise for 30 to 40 seconds. Keeping in mind the myths and truths about cellulite, you can obtain very good results and focus on what can truly be beneficial to eradicate cellulite from your legs and thighs. The fear that your penis looks too small or is too small to satisfy your partner during sex is common. But studies have shown that most men who think their penises are too small actually have normal-sized penises. Similarly, studies suggest that many men have an exaggerated idea of what constitutes "normal" penis size. The length of a non-erect penis doesn't consistently predict length when the penis is erect. If your penis is about 13 cm (5 inches) or longer when erect, it's of normal size. New Flow XL Male Enhancement

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