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fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
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Cardiovascular diseases affect a large number of people worldwide, being even the first cause of mortality. According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that cardiovascular diseases are responsible for 31% of all deaths registered worldwide. Exactly what do we mean when we talk about cardiovascular disease? The cardiovascular disease is the manifestation of several disorders that are able to affect the cardiovascular system. All of them have in common the injury of both the heart and the arteries. According to the injured structure, one can speak of various types of cardiovascular disease. Thus we find conditions such as angina, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, heart disease and even sudden death. How does cardiovascular disease originate? The blood vessels and the heart muscle are structures vulnerable to several conditions, mainly the deposit of fat in the wall of the arteries. Arteries are structures that form a closed circuit through which blood circulates. Unlike veins, these carry oxygen-laden blood from the lungs to all organs and systems. When the arteries are clogged, the effective diameter through which the blood can circulate decreases, leading to a compromise in the supply of oxygen to the tissues. In conditions such as rest, an arterial obstruction may not cause major problems, but when an increase in oxygen demand occurs, such as in stress or situations that cause an increase in the frequency of the heartbeat, the artery is not able to supply it., which leads to the occurrence of a failure in its delivery, known as ischemia. This is the cause of angina and heart attacks. Why does blockage of the arteries occur? The arteries are lined inside by a layer called the endothelium. This is more than a simple lining, the endothelium is an entire organ since various metabolic processes occur in it that lead to the production of substances such as nitric oxide, which are capable of regulating the diameter of the arteries and favoring their dilation or enlargement. gauge. In the endothelium there is also a phenomenon that constitutes the basis of cardiovascular disease, known atherosclerosis. This consists of the deposit of cholesterol plaques on the arterial wall, which leads to a decrease in the internal diameter of the artery, compromising its ability to allow blood to pass. There are several factors related to the development of arteriosclerosis, these include: · Alterations in blood cholesterol levels, especially the so-called bad cholesterol or LDL (Low-density lipoproteins: low-density lipoproteins). · Elevated triglycerides. · Insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus. · Cigarette smoking habit. · Genetic factors. Manifestations of cardiovascular disease These disorders are usually accompanied by a series of very characteristic complaints. These include: · Painful tightness in the chest, which can also include the jaw, shoulder and even the left arm. This occurs mainly when carrying out some type of physical activity or facing situations that produce emotions such as anguish, rage or anger. They may also occur when the person is at rest. · Crushing pain and numbness in any part of the body such as the hands, legs, or feet. · Difficulty breathing. · Palpitations, especially if they are perceived as irregular · Sometimes these discomforts are of low intensity and they subside spontaneously so they are not usually paid attention to. Often people with cardiovascular disease discover their condition after suffering a serious event such as a heart attack or stroke. Is it possible to prevent cardiovascular disease? This disorder can be prevented by implementing a series of measures that are based on changes in lifestyle. To do this, you have to change some habits that are unhealthy, such as poor diet based on excess fats and refined sugars, cigarette smoking, sedentary lifestyle and excessive intake of alcoholic beverages. Adopt habits such as regular aerobic physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day), maintaining an adequate body weight, reducing the consumption of refined sugars, keeping cholesterol, triglycerides and glycemic values ​​within normal limits, as well as monitoring pressure levels arterial, are effective measures to prevent the onset or progression of cardiovascular disease. When it involves weight loss, protein is that the king of nutrients. Your body burns calories once digesting and metabolizing the protein you eat, therefore a diet will boost metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day. A diet may cause you to feel fuller and scale back your appetite. In fact, some studies show that individuals eat over four hundred fewer calories per day on a diet. Even one thing as simple as intake a high-protein breakfast (like eggs) will have a strong impact. Revitaa Pro Customer Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
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The syndrome carpal tunnel is an expression of the lesion produced by entrapping or compression of the median nerve (one of the nerves going to the hand). Nerve damage is known as peripheral neuropathy and it is a nuisance that affects 3% of the general population and up to 15% of the economically active population. The working population is exposed to occupational risk factors that worsen the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause a significant disability that affects the effectiveness and production in daily work in different sectors of the econom. The carpal tunnel is a channel or slide at the level of the anterior aspect of the wrist, between the bones of the joint and the annular ligament of the Carpus, through which the flexor tendons of the fingers of the hand and the median nerve pass. Any process that generates chronic inflammation at the wrist level can produce compression of the nerve and therefore trigger the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. The professions that most frequently develop this type of pathology are those that carry out manual work, such as workers in the food area (butchers, butchers, farmers), carpentry, hairdressing, textile industry, shoemaking, electronics, office work, collection boxes, informatics, even in health branches, such as dentistry and some surgical specialties. Risk factors for developing carpal tunnel syndrome The factors that increase the probability of suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome are: · Female gender and age. · Family members with carpal tunnel syndrome. · Associated endocrine pathologies such as Diabetes Mellitus, hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome and obesity. · Rheumatoid arthritis. · Anatomical factors, such as fractures or dislocations. · Menopause. · Low size. · Smoking · Use of oral contraceptives. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome While it is true that symptoms usually appear in people who have a work exercise that includes repetitive movements of the wrist, it can also appear in people with fractures and tumors that compress the wrist. One of the characteristics of this disease is that the clinical symptoms increase with the activity of the affected wrist and usually remit by shaking or massaging the joint or raising the affected forearm, since with these movements blood return improves and allows partial decompression and momentary wrist. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome manifest with different sensations such as heat, cramps, tingling or numbness in the palm and fingers of the hand, especially the thumb and the middle and index fingers. Symptoms usually begin gradually or progressively and often appear at night in one or both hands, with a numbness and tingling sensation in the fingertips, caused by sleeping with the wrists bent. As the symptoms progress, patients begin to feel the symptoms of numbness and cramps in the daylight hours. It may be difficult to make a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks. In chronic cases that are not adequately treated, the muscles at the base of the thumb may weaken or atrophy. Loss of discrimination between hot and cold sensations may also be experienced in localized areas of the hand. At other times, severe pain and / or numbness may occur in the wrist and upper hand. Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome There are several conservative treatments capable of improving symptoms and restoring previous function in patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, however, in severe cases treatment is usually surgical. The conservative measures that have been considered for the initial treatment of this pathology are local and systemic steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of immobilizations such as splints, local injections of analgesics and muscle relaxants, electrotherapy techniques, manual therapies and neural gliding exercises are also included, as well as the combination of several of these options. In the case of surgery, the results of some studies in terms of improvement of symptoms and functional capacity show encouraging evidence that justifies it in older people, but the results in young patients are more controversial. For all this, every patient must be carefully studied by the trauma doctor or hand surgeon, who determines, together with the patient, the different therapeutic options that are adjusted to each person according to various factors to evaluate, such as age. and occupation, mainly. Detox diets are generally short-term dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. Sometimes a detox also includes herbs, teas, supplements, and colon cleanses or enemas. Renew Customer Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 04, 2021
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Estrogen is often blamed for irregular periods, mood swings, hot flashes, and other "women's issues," but what about men's health? Could a man's lack of energy, decreased libido, and even breast enlargement be due to his estrogen levels? If your first thought is “What? I didn't even know that men had estrogen! " you're not alone. But the truth is, while testosterone gets most of the fame, men have estrogen. And it could be causing more problems than you think. The relationship between testosterone and estrogen Testosterone levels naturally decline as men age (you may have heard of “low T,” which affects many), but it is important to understand that this decline is only half of the equation. As a man's testosterone levels drop, he also experiences an increase in estrogen, and together these hormonal changes cause undesirable symptoms. Let's start with testosterone - it's essential for libido, arousal, and orgasm, but it also helps maintain lean muscle mass, synthesizes neurotransmitters that support good brain function, inhibits fat accumulation, and improves bone density. Therefore, when a man's testosterone naturally declines 1 percent each year after age 30, it results in a wide range of symptoms including decreased energy and mental capacity, increased abdominal fat, depression, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. These symptoms are quite common, however many men do not seek treatment for them, often thinking that it is something they need to live with as they age. Many men will opt for Viagra as a solution, but this drug doesn't really treat "low T", it does treat erectile dysfunction (ED). And ED is just a symptom of low testosterone levels, which is a risk factor for many other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and other health problems. However, remember that a man's testosterone measurement is only part of the equation. Signs of high estrogen in men At the same time that this natural decrease in testosterone occurs, a man's estrogen generally increases. Here are some signs of high estrogen in men: · Sexual dysfunction (low libido, decreased morning erections, decreased erectile function) · Enlarged breasts · Lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) · Increased abdominal fat (can also be a symptom of low estrogen) · Feeling tired · Loss of muscle mass · Emotional disorders, especially depression · Type 2 diabetes Men with too much estrogen are not only at risk for non-serious symptoms, such as decreased sexual function and enlarged breasts. They are also at high risk for more serious problems, such as type 2 diabetes. The latest research shows that the increased risk of diabetes is independent of testosterone levels, meaning that high estrogen levels increase the risk of diabetes, whether or not testosterone is low. High estrogen in men also increases the risk of prostate cancer and autoimmune diseases. Factors that contribute to increased estrogen in men Did you know that the average 60-year-old man has more circulating estrogen in his blood than the average 60-year-old woman? There are many factors that contribute to an increase in estrogen as men age, including: 1. Enzymes and Fat Storage by Age As testosterone levels decline, men gain weight more easily, and fat tissue loves to store estrogen. Another important factor is the activity of enzymes in the body called aromatase enzymes. These enzymes, found in adipose tissue, convert testosterone to estrogen. In fact, it is a natural process for a man's body to create estrogen, which in small amounts is important for bones and other bodily processes. But as many men get older and accumulate belly fat, the activity of the aromatase enzyme increases, and this is where the problem occurs. How do you test for this? There is a measure of health called the ratio of testosterone to estrogen, and with increased activity of the aromatase enzyme, this ratio is significantly altered. When this happens, more of the testosterone that is already decreasing is converted to estrogen, resulting in all the typical “low T” symptoms. As our population has become more obese and our diet is unhealthy and full of sugars, white foods, grains, unhealthy fats, and endocrine disruptors, we are likely to see increased aromatization in men, which may even do that develop breast-like tissue or an enlarged breast. 2. Hormone disrupting chemicals Another important factor is the increasing number of hormone disruptors in the environment, particularly a group called xenoestrogens. These hormone disruptors mimic estrogen, and they also accumulate in the body, stored in fat cells. Xenoestrogens have been linked to testicular cancer, infertility, early-onset puberty, and more. Researchers have studied how average testosterone levels in men have been declining over the years, and hormone disruptors are to blame for total testosterone levels in men declining about 22 percent. 3. Meat and dairy Another factor in the estrogen-testosterone connection? Estrogenic hormones in our food. These hormones, like estradiol, are stored in foods such as meat and dairy and can contribute to hormonal imbalance. And not only those can be the causes, we also consider: Testosterone therapy. Men who are treated with injectable forms of synthetic testosterone almost always produce too much estrogen. Bioidentical (natural) testosterone therapy can also lead to high estrogen levels in men, especially when overused or in obese men. Once a man has too much estrogen in his system, a vicious cycle can ensue in which high estrogen levels lead to a faulty feedback system, tricking the brain and testicles into producing even less testosterone. This can lead to even higher estrogen levels and more severe estrogen dominance, increasing symptoms of high estrogens. How to prevent environmental estrogens from affecting us The good news is that there is a lot that can be done to combat declining testosterone levels and balance rising estrogen levels. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and lifestyle choices is huge, and if you're working with a hormone specialist, they may also suggest supplements and bioidentical hormone therapies. Avoiding xenoestrogens by learning more about household cleaners and cosmetics can also greatly reduce exposure to estrogen, and always buying grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish is another great way to decrease the risks. estrogen hormones in food. And not just the meat, but the dairy you eat that also contains large amounts of hormones. In general, a diet that includes everything organic is preferable, especially if you already have the problem manifesting, if not, try at least to opt for free-range meats, dairy products and eggs since they are the ones that bring the highest amount of hormones. Lastly, it is important to have accurate laboratory tests; this will paint an accurate picture of the initial problem and monitor the progress you are making. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, your doctor will likely recommend that you see a dietitian to help you develop a healthy-eating plan. The plan helps you control your blood sugar (glucose), manage your weight and control heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high blood fats. Vivo Tonic
fiona basil
Sep 04, 2021
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When it is time to undergo a bone examination to determine if a fracture is healing or if bone density is changing, there will often be concern on the part of many of us about the radiation exposure and damage that X-rays and scans produce. These concerns are valid: Every time energy from X-rays or gamma radiation interacts with human tissues, chemical reactions occur that generate free radicals - negatively charged oxygen-hydrogen molecules that easily react with many other molecules. These free radicals are capable of damaging DNA, which is what leads to an increased risk of cancer in people with exposure to radiation. Almost all of us have ever been exposed to images with ionizing radiation, whether from a dental X-ray, bone density scan, chest X-ray, mammography or CT scan. In fact, per capita radiation exposure from medical procedures (excluding dental or X-ray radiation therapy) has increased dramatically each time. While medical imaging can be a life-saving tool, it is an unfortunate truth that having scans means exposure to radiation, and exposure to radiation is cumulative. But that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. How Antioxidants Protect Against Radiation Damage There is an Antioxidant Protocol designed to help protect against DNA damage from exposure to medical radiation. It is based on a protocol developed by researchers at the University of Toronto. In devising a way to protect yourself against harmful radiation, researchers at the University of Toronto hypothesized that the body is loaded with antioxidants, which are positively charged chemicals that could quickly bind to free radicals before they could damage tissues and cellular DNA. It may help limit the damage of radiation therapy and detection. The idea was that antioxidants could extinguish the free radicals generated by radiation before they could damage DNA. They studied this question by obtaining blood samples from a group of patients scheduled to undergo an X-ray or other radiation exposure. One group of patients received a course of oral antioxidants before their exposure, while the other simply underwent the exposure without prior treatment. The researchers then took another blood sample after exposure and compared it to the pre-exposure sample. They found that those patients who did not have the antioxidants had significantly more evidence of cell damage compared to those who did. This means that your hunch that antioxidants might help limit the harmful activity of free radicals was correct. Antioxidant Protocol to limit radiation damage · 2ooo mg of completely reduced buffered ascorbate (such as Alkalini-C) · 600 mg of lipoic acid · 1,200 mg of N-acetylcysteine · 30 mg beta-carotene We suggest that, if possible, patients should take these antioxidants at least five days prior to radiation exposure to have sufficient levels of antioxidants in the body at the time of exposure. This antioxidant protocol should be helpful for radiation exposure from medical scans such as DEXA, mammography, or CT scans. How much radiation are you exposed to Not all medical images offer the same amount of radiation exposure. Some common testing techniques, such as DEXA bone density tests, dental X-rays, chest X-rays, and mammograms expose you to much less radiation than CT scans. The radiation exposure from nuclear medical imaging and CT scans is several times higher than from conventional X-rays. And, as CT scan devices become more available, more scans are done each year. In Canada, about 159 CT scans were performed annually per 1,000 residents. In the US, that number was 270 CT scans per 1,000 residents. Still, medical imaging accounts for half of all radiation exposure in the US, and half of that radiation exposure from medical imaging is the result of CT scanning. Of note is the fact that CT scan procedures are becoming more common among children and an Australian study from 9.5 years ago reported that between 0.3% and 1% of all cancers among pediatric patients could be attributed to CT scan. A common sense approach to medical imaging and radiation Protecting ourselves from all levels of radiation exposure is something that will only improve our health. Best of all, it's not difficult to do when we take a common sense approach: Limit all radiation exposure as much as possible Strengthen ourselves with a colorful, nutrient-rich, plant-based alkaline diet to provide the body with a wide range of dietary antioxidants on a regular basis. Exciting new research points to the radioprotective power of several flavonoid plant antioxidant compounds, including quercetin, EGCG, genistein, and apigenin found in many plant foods. Get at least 2g of vitamin C and a multivitamin with selenium. Vitamin E, beta-carotene and other antioxidants - daily. Using high doses of vitamin C is particularly interesting because it appears to reduce radiation-induced cell damage, even if you take it after radiation treatment. When medical imaging, especially CT scans or nuclear scans, is essential, get an extra layer of protection by following the Antioxidant Protocol. Manifestation is the bringing of a desire from your inner realm to your physical realm. Transmuting a want of yours into a tangible thing. The ability to manifest your dreams and desires is completely attainable; you are innately able to manifest, regardless of your level of spirituality. Take it step-by-step. Allow the consciousness and your soul to absorb these lessons and you will see major progress in your manifestation practice. Moonlight Manifestation
fiona basil
Sep 03, 2021
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All women know that menopause is an inevitable period of life. However, many women around the world face this change at a younger age in unexpected ways. Women in their 20s and 30s need to be informed about all possible symptoms that could be identified as signs of early menopause. In this section, women can find information on the most common and uncommon symptoms of menopause. Read on to be fully informed about the symptoms of early or premature menopause. First signs and symptoms of early menopause The first symptoms of early menopause are similar to those of menopause at a normal age. The menopausal process, at any age, is caused by hormonal fluctuations. However, depending on the cause of its appearance, the frequency and severity of the symptoms, these can vary. Generally, women begin to feel some symptoms when they enter perimenopause, the second stage of the menopausal process. Perimenopause can last up to ten years (if it occurs naturally) or could be avoided entirely (in the case of surgical removal of the reproductive organs). When it occurs naturally, symptoms tend to be mild and not as frequent. However, when early menopause is caused by removal of the uterus or ovaries, the symptoms tend to be more severe due to the dramatic decrease in hormone production. Common symptoms of early menopause The most common symptoms experienced during early menopause are: 1. Hot flashes. sudden changes in body temperature that can vary up to 10 degrees in a few seconds. 2. Night sweats. They are the version of hot flashes at night. They can interrupt sleep and consequently cause fatigue during the day. 3. Irregular periods. The symptoms most related to early menopause. Menstrual periods become unpredictable in time and flow. 4. Decreased libido Women begin to lose interest in sex due to hormonal fluctuations. 5. Vaginal dryness. The vaginal walls thin and lose their elasticity, causing pain during sexual intercourse. 6. Humor changes. Women in early menopause also experience sudden mood swings or irritability. Signs of Common Early Menopause Symptoms The early menopausal symptoms mentioned above are those that most women claim to experience during menopause. They are related to the early signs of menopause, which are the physical manifestation of a health condition. Their relationship is as follows: Signs: • Low estrogen production in the ovaries • Lowers testosterone levels in women's bodies • Hormonal fluctuations due to erratic progesterone or estrogen levels • Hormonal fluctuations that affect your emotions • The vaginal walls become thinner Uncommon Symptom Signs of Early Menopause In addition to the early menopause symptoms mentioned above, women experience other symptoms that are not as common: Signs: 1. Generalized joint pain, in addition to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 2. Water retention due to increased progesterone levels 3. Hormonal fluctuations causing extreme mood swings 4. Fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone 5. Erratic levels of estrogen can affect blood vessels 6. Hypothyroidism, a condition that affects hormone levels Uncommon symptoms of early menopause • Sore tendons, muscles, and joints • Inflammation • Depression • Hair loss • Dizziness • Burning in the tongue • Brittle nails • Tinnitus In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, if you are under the age of 40 and experiencing any of the following conditions, you should consult your doctor to determine if you are experiencing premature menopause: • You have undergone chemotherapy or radiation. • You or a member of your family has an autoimmune disorder such as hypothyroidism, Graves disease, or lupus. • You have tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than a year. • Your mother or sister experienced premature menopause. Not all women experience all symptoms; although its frequency and severity vary in each woman. However, research has shown that women who go through menopause prematurely due to surgical procedures experience an increase in the intensity of their symptoms. If women have already identified their symptoms as early menopause, it is time to find out about the different ways to get relief. What to do when you experience early menopause When you experience something in your 20s and 30s that usually happens to women in their late 40s and 50s, it can be very upsetting. Associated diseases, such as cancer and chemotherapy or surgery to remove the ovaries, can also alter the course of a woman's life, and although the treatments are usually the same as those with normal menopause, the process is usually Uncomfortable, plans, dreams and expectations have to be "rethought" and that can be very difficult and distressing. This is often a time of loss and with it comes sadness and pain. Not only can there be a sense of loss of control, loss of the ability to plan and loss of self-image, but often there is no one to share the pain with. It may take some time to diagnose an early or premature menopause. Not knowing what's wrong, not having control over symptoms, and not knowing what the future holds can be scary. Some women with precocious menopause speak of a "loss of the womanhood", and of "the loss of the dreams", especially if they had desire to be a mother, or to continue having children. However, that is only one way of looking at things. There are other constructive ways to think about the condition and help you with your mental and physical changes: • Seek help from friends to express yourself or from a professional, if you see it indicated, to talk about the loss of a certain role or role that you feel you should continue to have. • Eat a healthy diet • Get exercise and physical activity • Natural therapies and herbs • Relaxation and rhythm breathing for hot flashes • Meditation. Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are the two variants of this life-long disorder. Type 1 is more common among children whereby the pancreas does not function properly to secrete insulin. Comparatively, Type 2 is considered the milder of the two as the pancreas releases some quantities of insulin into the bloodstream though it may not be sufficient to regulate blood sugar in our body. Ceracare Diabetes Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 02, 2021
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Adding sugar to your food or drink might make it taste sweeter and richer, but it also wreaks havoc on your body. A diet high in sugar increases your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more, including certain types of cancer. The following are some foods that can help you in the goal of eliminating sugar cravings and eliminating the possibility of contracting or accentuating ailments, as well as achieving a diet that contributes to improving and preserving your health. 6 foods that help curb sugar cravings Sugar is highly addictive, which means that removing it from your diet is not easy. However, giving up refined sugar can reduce your risk of many serious diseases to help keep your body happy and healthy. Adding certain foods to your diet can help eliminate your sugar cravings and beat your addiction once and for all. 1. Protein Eating protein instead of sugary foods can help stabilize your blood sugar levels. A protein-high meal slows the body's absorption of sugar to avoid glucose spikes, which also helps reduce sugar cravings. Try lentils, beans, yogurt, or kefir. 2. Healthy fats Eating healthy fats can make the transition to a low-fat diet a little easier. After eliminating sugar, your body turns to fat for energy. Eating a diet rich in healthy fats will help fuel your body in a healthy way and reduce sugar cravings. Add avocados, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens to your diet. 3. Fiber Foods that are naturally high in soluble fiber can help manage your sweet cravings. Fiber slows down the rate of digestion, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. It will also help you feel full after a meal and reduce unhealthy cravings. Try walnuts, flax seeds, berries, and carrots. 4. Foods rich in probiotics Probiotics help reduce Candida yeast in the body, which feeds on sugar. Candida can cause many health problems, including skin rashes, weight gain, fatigue, and yeast infections. Eliminating sugar and including probiotics in your diet can help "starve" candida - which is one of the culprits that your body demands sugar, and promotes a healthy gut. Try kefir, apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt, and kombucha to curb your cravings. 5. Sour foods When you have a craving for something sweet, fight the urge to eat something bitter instead. Many acidic foods are high in probiotics and organic acids, which help support healthy bacteria and kill bad bacteria. Add sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods to your diet to help quell your sugar cravings. 6. Herbs and spices Adding a variety of herbs and spices to your diet can help reduce sugar cravings and increase your overall health. Ginger and turmeric have natural anti-inflammatory properties. They are also known to lower blood sugar levels and fight insulin resistance. Many eye exercises are touted as ways to naturally improve eyesight and overcome nearsightedness. The Bates Method suggests palming, movement and visualization techniques to reshape the eyeball and improve vision. Yan Bao Jian Cao suggests massage and acupressure as ways to relieve strain and eye problems. However, none of these exercises are verified to have more than anecdotal or placebo results. While vision therapy is a serious area of optometry that addresses problems with alignment, tracking and strain, there’s no sound evidence that vision exercises can affect clarity. VisiSharp Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 02, 2021
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The uric acid is a substance produced in the liver derived from the purine metabolism, a type of protein present in foods ingested daily, the more purine eat more uric acid is produced by the body. During the evolution of species, humans lost the ability to produce an enzyme called uricase, which transforms uric acid into allantoin, a much more soluble substance in the blood. Humans have much higher uric acid levels than most other mammals. Our blood uric acid levels do not reach toxic levels just because most of us manage to eliminate the excess through the kidneys. Symptoms of elevated uric acid levels The usual blood levels of uric acid are very close to the solubility limit, causing small increases in its concentration to cause crystallization of it in the tissues. Uric acid is deposited in the tissues in the form of sodium urate. When there is a deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints, they cause an intense inflammatory reaction, which leads to a very painful arthritis called gout. Importantly, it takes years of elevated uric acid to develop gout disease. The drop is typically one monoarthritis, ie arthritis that affects just one joint in each crisis. The joints most affected are those of the feet, mainly the first toe and the knees. The clinical manifestation of gout is arthritis, that is, inflammation of a joint characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and local heat. The gouty arthritis is so painful that some people fail to even cover their feet, for the simple contact of the inflamed area with the sheet causes a very strong pain. There may be chills and fever, simulating an infectious picture. The gout attack lasts a few days and then disappears spontaneously. The time interval between the first and second seizures can last up to two years. If left untreated, gout attacks become more frequent and intense, affecting more than one joint at a time. Over the years, untreated gout leads to the formation of tophi in the joints, caused by chronic deposition of urate crystals. Tophi can be single or multiple, and can cause deformations. The excess uric acid can also lead to the formation of kidney stones uric acid. There is also the risk of urate deposition and formation of tophi in the kidneys, causing chronic renal failure. Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Although, not everyone with high uric acid develops gout. Gout is much more common in men, occurring between the ages of 35 and 45. In women, it usually occurs only after menopause. The main risk factors for gout are: · Obesity. · Hypertension. · Trauma to the joints. · Long periods of fasting. · Alcohol consumption · High intake of foods rich in purine. · Uses of medications that increase uric acid, such as diuretics. Foods rich in purine (uric acid) are: · Meats: bacon, pork, vellum, goat, lamb, giblets (liver, heart, kidney, tongue). · Fish and seafood: salmon, sardines, trout, cod, fish eggs, caviar, shellfish, oyster, shrimp. · Birds: turkey and goose. · Alcoholic drinks. Foods with moderate amounts of purines or uric acid: · Meats: cow, calf and rabbit. · Birds: chicken and duck. · Fruits of the sea: lobster and crab. · Legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach. Foods with low or no levels of purine or uric acid: · Milk · tea · coffee · chocolate · yellow cheese · boiled egg · cereals such as bread, pasta, corn cake · potato · White rice · corn · vegetables cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, chard and watercress. · nuts, sweets and fruits even acidic ones. How to diagnose gout The diagnosis of gout is made when there is a typical clinical picture associated with high levels of uric acid. When there is doubt about the cause of arthritis, the doctor usually punctures the fluid from the inflamed joint looking for deposits of urate crystals. How to treat it The treatment of gout is divided into two stages: seizure treatment and seizure prophylaxis. Gout has no cure but it can be controlled. During the gout attack, treatment is carried out with common anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and / or colchicine. Colchicine, being less toxic than anti-inflammatories, effectively controls gout, but it can cause unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Aspirin should be avoided as far as possible, because despite having an anti-inflammatory effect, it reduces the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys, once the gout attack has stopped, treatment is focused on reducing it. of uric acid levels. Since most patients with high uric acid do not develop a gout attack or kidney stone, drug treatment is started if a first episode of a gout attack, a kidney stone, occurs. In the cases of patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia, only an alteration of the diet is indicated, in order to avoid foods rich in purines. Many eye exercises are touted as ways to naturally improve eyesight and overcome nearsightedness. The Bates Method suggests palming, movement and visualization techniques to reshape the eyeball and improve vision. Yan Bao Jian Cao suggests massage and acupressure as ways to relieve strain and eye problems. However, none of these exercises are verified to have more than anecdotal or placebo results. While vision therapy is a serious area of optometry that addresses problems with alignment, tracking and strain, there’s no sound evidence that vision exercises can affect clarity. VisiSharp Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 01, 2021
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The symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis are common among all age groups, for a variety of reasons. In infants and schoolchildren, because they allow bacteria access to their digestive system, by the introduction of multiple objects in their mouth. In adolescents and adults, by eating improperly prepared or improperly preserved foods. What is bacterial gastroenteritis? It is a generally self-limited disease that affects the digestive system of people, causing diarrhea, which is a decrease in the consistency of bowel movements, and an increase in their frequency and volume, vomiting and abdominal discomfort. What are the symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis? · Diarrhea, all bacterial gastroenteritis presents as diarrhea , which can be severe due to the volume and frequency of stools, and with a very strong and unpleasant odor. · Abdominal discomfort. This can range from increased feelings of fullness to severe pain in the abdomen, or the area around the navel or tummy. · Abdominal pain, may or may not be present. · Nausea and vomiting, may or may not be present, are associated with more severe bacterial gastroenteritis, or infection by more pathogenic toxin-secreting bacteria. · Fever may or may not be present, and its duration and severity is associated with the aggressiveness of the batteries that invade the digestive system. How is bacterial infectious gastroenteritis spread or spread? Bacterial gastroenteritis, are contracted by the ingestion of the bacteria, in short, in the food that is consumed, there are small remains of human or animal fecal material, which serves as a means of transporting the bacteria, and when we eat it, the bacteria invade the gastrointestinal tract. Food can be contaminated from the source, or the people who handle or prepare it can contaminate it. · Contamination by water during cultivation or transport, rainwater can carry human or animal fecal material, and contaminate crops. · Inadequate handling of animals or meat in the slaughterhouse. During or after the slaughter of poultry, pigs or cows, it is possible that the meat is not properly handled, and it is exposed to contaminants on the surfaces where it is processed or packed. · Mixing raw meat and vegetables, improper handling during food preparation can contaminate food, which will not be cooked. · Contamination by the handler. If the person who prepares or serves the food did not wash their hands after using the toilet, they contaminate the food with their fecal material. · Inadequate hygiene and cleanliness of utensils. Some kitchen utensils such as tables, knives and containers may not have been properly washed, allowing the transmission of bacterial gastroenteritis · Non-potable water, tap water is not always of the ideal quality in some third world cities. · Badly cooked food. Raw or semi-cooked foods can transmit infectious gastroenteritis- · Seafood, mollusks and raw fish, marine animals, are frequent sources of food poisoning and poisoning due to the large amount of contaminants present in them. · I greet the high-fives, after high-fives we have contracted all the bacteria that the person had on the hand, and if I do not practice good hygiene, the harmful bacteria are transmitted to us. How to treat bacterial gastroenteritis? 1. Rehydration: The most important thing for any type of infectious gastroenteritis is to keep the person rehydrated. Oral rehydration serums are an excellent alternative. 10 ml x kilo of weight should be taken for each evacuation. 2. Antiemetics: if vomiting occurs, you can consume an antiemetic, and if the discomfort and vomiting persist, you will have to go to the nearest health center. For each vomit, 30 ml per kilo of oral rehydration serum should be consumed, with a soup spoon, or slowly. 3. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen: if you have a mild fever, you can consume acetaminophen or ibuprofen, if it is very high, and there is marked discomfort, you should go to the nearest health center. 4. Do not use antidiarrheals: bacterial gastroenteritis is self-limiting in 90% of cases, using antidiarrheals can allow bacteria to grow and reproduce in greater quantity, which may worsen the condition and present complications. Therefore antidiarrheals are contraindicated until authorized by your doctor. 5. Antibiotics: these should be indicated by the doctor after obtaining the stool exam. When to seek medical care for infectious gastroenteritis 1. If it occurs in a child under 2 years of age, or who is already weakened. 2. If the vomiting is intense, and does not subside. 3. If you are unable to receive food by mouth, due to vomiting. 4. If the pain is very intense. 5. If you notice red spots of blood in your bowel movements or when wiping 6. If you feel very weak or sleepy. 7. If you have any signs of dehydration, such as dry eyes or tongue. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
fiona basil
Aug 31, 2021
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The cannabidiol is a popular natural remedy used to treat many common ailments. Better known as CBD, it is one of more than 100 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis or marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, causing the "high" sensation often associated with marijuana. However, unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This quality makes CBD an attractive option for those seeking relief from pain and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or certain pharmaceutical medications. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or hemp seeds. This oil is gaining popularity in the world of health and wellness, and there are already some scientific studies confirming that it can relieve symptoms of ailments such as chronic pain and anxiety. Benefits of CBD Here are seven health benefits of CBD oil that are backed by scientific evidence. 1. It can relieve pain Marijuana has been used to treat pain since 2900 BC. C. Recently, scientists have discovered that certain components of marijuana, including CBD, are responsible for its pain relieving effects. The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in the regulation of a variety of functions including sleep, appetite, pain, and the response of the immune system. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. Studies have shown that CBD can help reduce chronic pain by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters. For example, one study in rats found that CBD injections reduced pain response to a surgical incision, while another study in rats found that oral CBD treatment significantly reduced sciatic nerve pain and inflammation. Several human studies have found that a combination of CBD and THC is effective in treating pain related to multiple sclerosis and arthritis. 2. Could reduce anxiety and depression Anxiety and depression are common mental health disorders that can have devastating effects on health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, depression is the largest contributor to disability worldwide, while anxiety disorders rank sixth. Anxiety and depression are generally treated with pharmaceutical medications, which can cause a number of side effects including drowsiness, agitation, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and headaches. Also, medications like benzodiazepines can be addictive and can lead to substance abuse. The oil CBD has shown promise as a treatment for both depression and anxiety, which leads many people living with these disorders interested in this natural approach. In a Brazilian study, 57 men were given oral CBD or a placebo 90 minutes before undergoing a sham test in which they had to speak in public. The researchers found that a 300 mg dose of CBD was the most effective in significantly reducing anxiety during the test. The placebo, a 150 mg dose of CBD, and a 600 mg dose of CBD had little to no effect on anxiety. CBD oil has even been used to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD has also shown effects similar to antidepressants in various animal studies. These qualities are related to CBD's ability to act on the brain's receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior. 3. May relieve cancer-related symptoms CBD can help reduce cancer-related symptoms and cancer treatment-related side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and pain. One study looked at the effects of CBD and THC in 177 people with cancer-related pain who did not experience relief from pain medications. Those who were treated with an extract containing both compounds experienced a significant reduction in pain compared to those who received only THC extract. CBD can also help reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, which are among the most common chemotherapy-related side effects for people with cancer. Although there are medications that help control these distressing symptoms, they are sometimes ineffective, leading some people to seek alternatives. A study of 16 people who underwent chemotherapy found that a single combination of CBD and THC administered by aerosol reduced chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting better than standard treatment alone. 4. It can reduce acne Acne is a common skin condition that affects more than 9% of the population. It is believed to be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, bacteria, underlying inflammation, and the overproduction of sebum, an oily secretion produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. According to recent scientific studies, CBD oil can help treat acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce sebum production. An in vitro study found that CBD oil prevented sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum, exerted anti-inflammatory actions, and prevented the activation of "pro-acne" agents such as inflammatory cytokines. Another study had similar findings, concluding that CBD may be an efficient and safe way to treat acne, thanks in part to its remarkable anti-inflammatory qualities. Although these results are promising, human studies are still needed to explore the effects of CBD on acne. 5. Could have neuroprotective properties Researchers believe that CBD's ability to act on the endocannabinoid system and other brain signaling systems may provide benefits for people with neurological disorders. In fact, one of the most studied uses for CBD is in the treatment of neurological disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Although research in this area is still relatively new, several studies have shown promising results. Sativex, an oral spray consisting of CBD and THC, has been shown to be a safe and effective way to reduce muscle spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis. One study found that Sativex reduced spasms in 75% of the 276 people with multiple sclerosis who experienced drug-resistant muscle spasticity. In another study, 214 people with severe epilepsy were given 0.9–2.3 grams of CBD oil per pound (2–5 g / kg) of body weight. Their seizures were reduced by a median of 36.5%. One more study found that CBD oil significantly reduced seizure activity in children with Dravet syndrome, a complex childhood epilepsy disorder, compared to a placebo. However, it is important to note that some people in both studies experienced adverse reactions associated with CBD treatment, such as seizures, fever, and fatigue. CBD has also been investigated for its potential effectiveness in treating various other neurological diseases. 6. Could benefit heart health Recent research has linked CBD with several benefits for the heart and circulatory system, including the ability to lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure is linked to an increased risk for a number of health conditions, such as stroke, heart attack, and metabolic syndrome. The studies indicate that CBD can help manage high blood pressure. A recent study treated nine healthy men with a 600 mg dose of CBD oil and found that it lowered resting blood pressure, compared to a placebo. The same study also gave men stress tests that normally increase blood pressure. Interestingly, the single dose of CBD led the men to experience a smaller-than-normal rise in blood pressure in response to these tests. Researchers have suggested that the stress and anxiety reducing properties of CBD are responsible for its ability to help lower blood pressure. 7. Various other potential benefits CBD has been studied for its role in treating a number of health problems other than those described above. Although more study is still required, CBD is believed to provide the following health benefits: · Antipsychotic Effects: Studies suggest that CBD may help people with schizophrenia and other mental disorders by reducing psychotic symptoms. · Substance abuse treatment: CBD has been shown to modify drug addiction-related brain circuits. In rats, CBD has been shown to reduce morphine dependence and heroin-seeking behavior. · Antitumor Effects: In laboratory and animal studies, CBD has been shown to have antitumor effects. In animals, it has been shown to prevent the spread of breast, prostate, brain, colon and lung cancer. · Diabetes prevention: In diabetic mice, CBD treatment reduced the incidence of diabetes by 56% and significantly reduced inflammation What are the side effects of using CBD oil? Although CBD is generally well tolerated and considered safe, it can cause adverse reactions in some people. Side effects seen in studies include: · Diarrhea · Changes in appetite and weight · Fatigue CBD is also known to interact with various medications. Before you start using CBD oil, talk to your doctor to ensure your safety and avoid potentially harmful interactions. Exercising regularly can help increase the insulin sensitivity in your body. This means that your body would be more able to utilize the sugar in your bloodstream. Exercising can also help you lose weight. If your blood sugar control is problematic, you must routinely check your sugar levels. This would give you an idea as to how does your body respond to different activities, and this in turn can help you keep your blood sugar levels from going too high or too low. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Customer Reviews
fiona basil
Jul 02, 2021
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Heartburn is a gastrointestinal problem commonly caused by excess stomach acid, for this reason often most people think that they are suffering from this condition and its symptoms are actually caused by having low acidity. Hydrochloric acid deficiency in the stomach is known medically as hypochlorhydria, many of the patients are treated with antacids, the treatment being inadequate and temporarily hiding the true cause. In this article I will explain what stomach acid is, the symptoms of having low heartburn and you will also discover what causes it. What is stomach acid and why is it important? Stomach acid contains hydrochloric acid (HCL), potassium chloride (KCL) and sodium chloride (NACL), it is a colorless and aqueous digestive liquid. Together with several enzymes and a layer of mucus that protects the gastric mucosa, it is part of gastric solutions. Hydrochloric acid is secreted by specialized cells in the stomach called parietal cells. During the digestion process, food mixes in the stomach with digestive enzymes and HCL. The acid inactivates the enzymes in food and breaks down the food in combination with another enzyme called pepsin, subsequently this mixture of nutrients moves to the small intestine, where the HCL is neutralized. Enzymes produced by the pancreas are attached to the intestine to help complete the process. Once digestion is complete, the nutrients pass through the intestinal wall into the blood to be used by our body. HCL has a key role in the digestive processes of our body, some of its functions are: · Helps break down dietary proteins, digest and absorb nutrients. · Eliminates bacteria and viruses from the stomach protecting the gastrointestinal system from infections. · It is essential for the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron. · Facilitates the absorption of folate and vitamin B12. Symptoms of hypochlorhydria or low heartburn Low levels of HCL affect the digestive system's ability to digest and absorb nutrients properly. If not treated properly it can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, infections and various health problems. The first symptoms of low heartburn are related to the digestion and absorption of the minerals necessary for the body (bones, teeth), in a study published in the journal Integrative Medicine, it was evidenced that the lack of heartburn is It has been linked to increased osteoporosis and bone fractures. This is because calcium increases its absorption in the presence of an acidic environment, in addition, minerals are useful to activate enzymes and hormones such as insulin, among other functions. The deficit of stomach acidity also causes problems, in the absorption of iron, which can cause the appearance of iron deficiency anemia . Hypochlorhydria can cause a deficiency of “intrinsic factor”, a protein essential for the absorption of the B12 complex. Its deficiency causes pernicious anemia. Stomach acid is responsible for breaking down the proteins we eat, if there is little it can increase allergies associated with incomplete protein digestion. Another consequence is the abnormal increase in bacteria in the small intestine, with little heartburn harmful bacteria appear, becoming a risk factor. If there is not enough heartburn, the pepsin enzyme cannot be optimized, therefore, the digestion and absorption of nutrients is incomplete, causing the classic symptoms of: · Gases · Abdominal swelling · Indigestion. · Belching · Diarrhea or constipation · Heartburn. · Food residues in the stool. · Fatigue. · Vitamin and mineral deficiencies. · Protein deficiency · Skin diseases. · Brittle nails and hair. · Numbness of the hands In addition to these symptoms, it can also cause autoimmune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease. Causes of low heartburn The most common causes of low levels of heartburn can include: Age Babies and about 30% of older adults have little hydrochloric acid secretion from the parietal cells of the stomach. As you get older, less acid is produced, because of this people over 65 years of age are at greater risk of low heartburn. Stress Chronic stress can contribute to disrupting the production of HCL and other digestive juices as it causes poor digestive function. Medicines Long-term use of antacids and proton pump inhibitors known as gastric protectors are among the top 10 most prescribed medications. These drugs can mask the clinical picture and decrease heartburn. The overuse of antibiotics disrupts the normal flora of microorganisms in the digestive tract. They can cause intestinal inflammation and lead to increased stress hormones that reduce acid production. NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, and aspirin, wear down the mucus lining that protects the gastric mucosa and reduce the activity of cells to produce heartburn. Bacterial infections Infection with H. pylori is a common cause of gastric ulcers, when not treated promptly, can decrease heartburn. There are several causes that can lead to a decrease in your heartburn, treating them is important, since HCL is necessary and must be kept in balance for good health. Maintaining a healthy weight has its obvious health benefits but it can also help you better manage type 2 diabetes. Losing weight can bolster your blood sugar control and lower your risk for diabetes complications like high blood pressure and plaque buildup in the arteries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Stimula Blood Sugar
fiona basil
Jul 02, 2021
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It is common for many parents to go to the pediatrician with the concern that their child is still wetting the bed while sleeping, despite the fact that during the day they do notify when they want to go to the bathroom. This problem is known by the medical term nocturnal enuresis. What is nocturnal enuresis? (to wet the bed) Enuresis is a problem that consists of the involuntary loss of urine at any time of the day, although it is more common that occurs at night. It is striking that nocturnal enuresis not only occurs in childhood, but can also be seen in adults. So if this disorder is suspected, its causes should be specified to provide the most appropriate treatment. In this article we will answer some very frequent questions about enuresis. Why does a child wet the bed? The first thing to specify is whether this situation is presenting itself as a primary form (the child has never stopped wetting the bed) or secondary (after the child spent the whole night without wetting the bed, the problem reappears). Subsequently, the entire environment of the child should be evaluated, psychosocial problems, fluid intake, the frequency with which he urinates during the day, the weather, if someone else in his family wets the bed, how is the nutrition of the child and his personality. Causes of enuresis or involuntary urination The causes of a boy or a girl wetting the bed are varied and can range from local urinary tract disorders to systemic diseases and psychological causes. Among the causes of this condition are: · Urinary tract infections · Neurological disorders that cause bladder motility disorders, such as neurogenic bladder. · Type 1 diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by an increase in the frequency of urination, so in children glycemia (blood glucose) controls should be done to rule out this cause. · Diabetes insipidus: produced by the decrease in levels of the hormone vasopressin (also called antidiuretic), which produces an excess of urine elimination. · Sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. · Urinary malformations such as urethral stricture and alterations in the anatomy of the ureters (structures that conduct urine from the bladder to the urethra), for example, the presence of ectopic ureters. · Humid and cold climates. · Psychological causes such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, fear of staying alone in the room, fear of going to the bathroom alone, family losses, separations or, on the contrary, joys and anxiety. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it is estimated that the majority of cases, of children who wet the bed, are attributable to psychological causes. Can an adult wet the bed? Why is this happening? The answer to the first question is yes. Unlike children, nocturnal enuresis in adults occurs mainly due to structural alterations of the urinary system and neurological disorders. Among the structural alterations of the urinary system, the following are common: cases of vaginal prolapse; in addition to the cases of people with recurrent cystitis associated with urethral stricture, stones within the ureters or bladder, malformations in the ureters and bladder, among others. On the other hand, neurological disorders, such as cerebrovascular accidents, degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, tumors of the nervous system and demyelinating diseases can cause neurological disorders at the bladder level, preventing its correct emptying, which causes the patient to wet the bed frequently and warrant the use of a diaper. Some neurological disorders (stroke, head trauma, and tumors) can cause central diabetes insipidus. Another important pathology to consider is Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in adults, which can be a cause of increased voiding frequency. Constipation and the use of diuretics (medicines to urinate for any condition that warrants it) are also frequent causes, especially in elderly patients. Finally, psychological causes could be ruled out in adults with a history of mental retardation, Down syndrome, schizophrenia, and other disorders. How can nocturnal enuresis be treated? In children, bedwetting can be considered a growth condition and can be accepted if it occurs occasionally. The pediatrician must emphasize that the child must urinate before sleeping, not consume liquids at night, condition the room so that they do not feel cold and the psychological support of the parents to face their fears, being sometimes necessary the evaluation of a child psychologist. In children and adults, if a urological pathology is suspected, a urologist should be consulted to rule out that the patient requires surgery. In adults with neurological pathology, the reversibility of the urinary picture will be determined by the treatment of the underlying condition. CBD, the short-form of cannabidiol, can be fabricated into a bunch of forms including oils, CBD creams, and tablets. Even though CBD is an active part of the cannabis plant, CBD contains zero psychedelic effects and presents a bevy of health benefits. As a result, the CBD market is a fast-growing one and researchers are studying its effectiveness. Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies
fiona basil
Jun 19, 2021
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Detoxes and cleanses are some of the hottest health trends right now. The highly respected Dr. Oz recommends cleansing for everything from skin detox (dairy-free, carbohydrate-free), to energy-boosting detox (caffeine-free and carbohydrate-free for 10 days). But some of the most popular cleanses are aimed at detoxifying the colon and removing excess stool from the intestine. Colon cleanses date back to ancient Greece, when people used cleanses to rid the body of excess mucus and undigested food. In the 21st century, it is already known that colon cleansing cleanses and treats symptoms of fatigue, headache, lack of energy and weight gain, since precisely the accumulation of feces also accumulates toxins in the bloodstream. There is also evidence that the nervous system is affected by the gut, and therefore eliminating excess stool in the colon or rather, doing a cleanse, can have positive benefits including an improved mental outlook and stronger immune system. Why it is important to eliminate excess stool and detoxify the colon One of the main advantages of detoxifying the body is the impact it has on the aging process. A body detox is a way to get rid of all the dirt that accumulates in the body, but there are good ways and bad ways to do that. The whole body has an incredible process of detoxifying the intestines, liver, skin and kidneys. Learning to use this process effectively will add years to your lifestyle. Excess stool in the intestine creates disease When you allow unhealthy toxins in your body to build up, such as excess stool, then you are more likely to create illnesses compared to an individual who frequently detoxifies their body. Detoxifying the body leads to a healthier lifestyle, making it ready to conquer unnecessary bacteria and viruses. For this reason, you will be able to fight diseases more regularly. The constant ailments are usually due to the accumulation of toxins in the body that, among other things, brings the accumulation of stools due to poor diet and stress, and detoxifying your body regularly, helps to substantially alleviate some diseases. The healing power of apple cider Pure Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother, has been successfully recommended for years to cleanse and purify the body of impurities. It has numerous vitamins, minerals and potassium, which aids in the cleansing and healing process by aiding in good digestion and bowel movement. With the potassium being the main energy hit in apple cider vinegar, the toxic poisons are isolated so that they can be expelled from the body. Additionally, apple cider vinegar is also an organic antibiotic that backs up your immune system to fight germs, foreign bacteria, and help prevent viruses from arising. Cleaning the intestine with vinegar and honey Before starting with the explanation, we must remind you that the following remedy is a support that accompanies a more formal detoxification. It does not mean that by itself it does not work, but it works much better if, the following drink accompanies a diet that does not include processed foods, that is, rich in nutrients and live food, coupled with an emotional detoxification plan. First of all, release your bad habits. Throw away all cigarettes, alcohol, sodas, and coffee; processed sugars and saturated fats. Try to avoid processed foods. They are all harmful toxins in the body and are roadblocks in your healing process. Hot drink of vinegar and honey to clear intestine The following is a homemade drink that is recommended to drink every morning to cleanse the colon and start the day balanced and fresh. To start, boil 1/4 liter of water in a kettle. Add 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to the hot water. Next, add 1 full tablespoon of raw organic honey. Once you have stirred your raw organic honey in the warm water and apple cider vinegar solution, you are all set. It is recommended to drink this healthy stimulating drink every morning before breakfast, preferably from warm to hot (not burning, of course). What will this drink do to your body? 1. Increases digestive functions and promotes excess stool in the intestine. 2. It helps to break down the digestive enzymes that aid in the absorption of nutritional enzymes, which makes digestion much easier. 3. Break up mucus in the body and clean the lymph nodes to allow better circulation of lymph. 4. It will help manage the way your body smells by regulating the pH in the skin, it is like a natural deodorant. 5. It will increase your energy level completely, help your digestive system, and really help balance your metabolism. There's good news though. Your risk of heart disease starts to drop in as little as a day after quitting. After a year without cigarettes, your risk of heart disease drops to about half that of a smoker. No matter how long or how much you smoked, you'll start reaping rewards as soon as you quit. Lion HRT
fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
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Although there are many ways to define the concept of self-esteem, in general, the term encompasses the way we think and feel about ourselves, and also the way we evaluate ourselves. Children with resilience and healthy self-esteem believe that they have a willingness to face challenges that are difficult for them to overcome and that they are worthy of love. It is never too late to build your self-esteem and increase your ability to be a good example for your children. Children with low self-esteem tend to be very critical about themselves, they do not dare to face challenges since failure would confirm their negative vision, they show a poor tolerance for frustration, and they do not feel worthy of love. On the other hand, having negative self-esteem is correlated with many mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance use. 10 tips for raising a child with resilience and self-esteem One of the main goals of parents is to ensure that their child develops and builds healthy self-esteem to carry with him for the rest of his life. Here are 10 tips for raising a child with resilience and self-esteem and helping your children see their inner beauty: 1. Shape resilience and healthy self-esteem by taking care of yourself Children are very in tune with their parents' general state of well-being, and parents often don't see how much their children are paying attention. In fact, children use their parents as role models and as a mirror of their own feelings. So if you are struggling with your own self-esteem and the demonstration of these struggles is through your words and actions, chances are your children will do the same as well. It is never too late to build your self-esteem and increase your ability to be a good example for your children. Participating in psychotherapy, for example, is a great way to get help with life's challenges, including parenting, and to increase your love for yourself. 2. Pay attention to the way you speak and listen to your child Analyze the criteria and labels that you tell your children to describe their character, as they can affect more than you think. For example, "Michael is nothing shared" this may be interpreted by your child as a worldwide statement of disapproval, rather than a description of a particular behavior. That is why it is better to describe behaviors in the moment, rather than globalize them (for example, “Michael had a hard time sharing his toy with Marcos the other day”) and model the behavior that you want your child to exhibit. 3. Help your children express their feelings and change false beliefs Ask your children a lot to express their feelings, both in successful and challenging situations, so that they become experts in recognizing and expressing emotions. When you hear your children express negative beliefs about themselves (for example, “I'm stupid”), encourage them to see the situation differently (“What proof do you have that you are stupid? A bad grade does not mean that you are stupid. You have a lot of strengths too! "). 4. Emphasize the importance of effort and completion rather than performance Research shows that it is more effective to reward effort and completion of a task than to praise children for their performance compared to others. You want to make sure your children understand that they are valued for who they are, not for how they perform on a par with other children. 5. Create a safe and warm home environment A familiar environment, a home that is safe and loving, and has established rules and structure, is essential for building resilience and self-esteem in children. Be sure to account for your children's interactions with other kids at school and with their groups of friends to the best of your ability to ensure that they are safe and secure in those relationships. 6. Remember and show that failure is part of life In order to learn and develop, we have to experience failure in our lives. Children with high self-esteem tolerate failure and see it as an opportunity for learning and growth. And along with that ... 7. Let your kids take some risks and make some decisions of their own. Although parents may find that it is very difficult to take a step back and see their children fail, it is imperative for the development of healthy self-esteem, allowing your children to take risks and possibilities so that they can develop confidence in themselves and in their choices, and have more skill when solving problems. Furthermore, they understand that failure and success are not a reflection of their worth. 8. Get your kids involved in cooperative experiences It is important for children to experience cooperation and collaboration through a range of activities such as volunteering, team sports (especially those that emphasize teamwork), music and art, and camps. 9. Teach your children to be critical of the media, especially social media. Instead of outright prohibiting or limiting your child's exposure to social media (which often makes them want to see more), help them to view media and Internet publications with a critical eye so that they learn to understand with efficiency in the way of managing the information and messages that are being given. 10. Remember that love is unconditional Make sure your children are aware of and experience your love for them no matter what, and make it very clear that your love for them has no limitations. This is a powerful component for building your children's self-esteem. If you are concerned that your child is having problems with their self-esteem, consider seeing a psychotherapist to help build their repertoire of skills to cope with the challenges they face, and to foster positive self-beliefs that increase their self-esteem. 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fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
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The swelling under the eyes, or in the bags of the eyes has its cause, and it is that it is a sign that indicates that we can suffer fluid retention in the body, something that also usually manifests itself in the hands, feet and even the belly. This condition can certainly be avoided, thus preventing complicated diseases later on. It is important to explain that when fluid retention occurs it is because the kidney is not removing its load fast enough. So you have to start giving more attention to this important organ of the human being. What is suggested for healthy and fully functioning kidneys? Treat puffiness under the eyes Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to put them to work. Consume water, infusions, juices, fruits, vegetables, soups and broths, as well as salads. If there are bothersome such as pain in the back, you can place heat compresses or hot water, these help to relieve the symptoms. Healthy eating is essential in these cases where in addition to suffering from swollen eyes we also have problems with kidney function, so be very careful to avoid very salty foods and sugary drinks such as soft drinks. Puffy eyes in the morning Generally, the swelling in the eyes occurs in the morning, upon waking. It is because we may eat too much food at dinner. Food was eaten very late and there was poor digestion. In this case it is recommended not to eat after 8:00 at night, to give priority to proteins (meats, eggs) and salads, not to consume heavy meals with flour. Reduce salt intake Lowering the amount of salt (and swapping it for sea ​​salt) and strong seasonings, which are also present in sausages, hams, and other cold cuts will help combat under-eye puffiness. Eating your fill is not recommended. The idea is to be satisfied without abusing. Possibly, in some cases people are left with a little hunger, which with the passing of the hours will disappear without any problem. Drink enough water As a tip for the morning, drinking two glasses of water before breakfast is ideal. The first thing that should hit the stomach is a good cup of green tea with ginger. Washing the face with cold water stimulates circulation, the cucumber on the eyelids also relieves puffiness and applying moisturizers is another good option to show a more awake look, it also works for cases of tired eyes. They are simple recommendations that we can all apply in our homes so that the body does not get sick and at the same time we feel mentally good. In the event that discomfort and puffiness of the bags under the eyes prevail, it is important to go for a general check-up with a doctor to take the relevant corrective measures. We must not let stress destroy our health and peace of mind. Steel Bite Pro, Steel Bite Pro Review, Steel Bite Pro Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Supplement, Steel Bite Pro Supplement Review, Steel Bite Pro Supplement Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Supplements, Steel Bite Pro Supplements Review, Steel Bite Pro Ingredients, Steel Bite Pro Ingredients Review, Steel Bite Pro Customer Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Customer Experience, Steel Bite Pro Home Remedies, Steel Bite Pro Symptoms, Steel Bite Pro scam or not, Steel Bite Pro side effects, Steel Bite Pro Videos, Steel Bite Pro Secrets, Steel Bite Pro Capsules , Steel Bite Pro, Steel Bite Pro Review, Steel Bite Pro Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Supplement, Steel Bite Pro Supplement Review, Steel Bite Pro Supplement Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Supplements, Steel Bite Pro Supplements Review, Steel Bite Pro Ingredients, Steel Bite Pro Ingredients Review, Steel Bite Pro Customer Reviews, Steel Bite Pro Customer Experience, Steel Bite Pro Home Remedies, Steel Bite Pro Symptoms, Steel Bite Pro scam or not, Steel Bite Pro side effects, Steel Bite Pro Videos, Steel Bite Pro Secrets
fiona basil
May 31, 2021
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Are you looking for the ideal exercises to burn thigh fat? You're in luck, next we'll show you how you can burn thigh fat with just a few minutes a day of exercise. Change of habits to get enviable legs According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most effective ways to burn extra calories is to integrate a combination of the following three elements into life: 1. Lifestyle changes The Mayo Clinic recommends a diet low in saturated fat and rich in fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to make small changes in daily habits - for example, take the stairs instead of using the elevator. Small changes add up and bring benefits. 2. Strength training Muscles burn more calories, even while resting. One of the best exercises to tone the legs is the lateral leg lift. It is intended to define and tone the muscles of the legs, and in conjunction with the other exercises, it is possible to eliminate fat from the thighs effectively. 3. Aerobic exercises As a general goal, include at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine, states the Mayo Clinic. If you still can't get to 30 minutes, start by committing to 12 minutes, and work your way up as your body adjusts. Exercises to burn fat from the thighs These exercises will help you reduce thigh fat, tone your legs, and it also works to treat cellulite. Lateral leg raise We must lie on a mat or something soft, on our side, we put our forearm on the ground and we must raise the leg that is free, we can perform 10 repetitions with each leg. Squats With this simple but effective exercise, we will be able to reduce thigh fat and firm the buttocks. It can be a heavy exercise at first, but if you know how to do it with the appropriate repetitions, and also do it in the correct way, you will achieve results quickly and you will be able to adapt more easily to this routine. We must place ourselves with our legs in a position slightly apart from each other, keeping our eyes straight ahead and our back straight, we must bend the knees until we achieve a 90 degree angle. The best way to do it to get slimmer legs and better results, is to maintain the position when we bend the knees, holding for about 5 to 10 seconds can make a big difference. Do 5 to 8 reps in about 2 sets each day. Hip lift To perform this exercise we need to be on our back and have both legs bent, leaving the feet in contact with the ground. From this position the movement that we will carry out is to raise our hips and hold this position for a few seconds. We can perform about 10 repetitions divided into 3 stages. Leg raises We must sit on the floor and have our legs stretched out, the idea of ​​this exercise is to lift one leg as much as possible, without causing harm to us. You can do about 10 repetitions with each leg, in 2 or 3 series. Leg raise in doggy position We must be in the position called "doggy" or 4 legs, we keep our hands and knees in contact with the ground and our back straight. The movement is to bring one leg back and up, but keeping our back as straight as possible. We hold a few seconds and return to the starting position, we do about 5 to 8 repetitions with each leg, in 2 to 3 series. Hearing loss is a common problem caused by noise, aging, disease, and heredity. People with hearing loss may find it hard to have conversations with friends and family. They may also have trouble understanding a doctor’s advice, responding to warnings, and hearing doorbells and alarms. Quietum Plus
fiona basil
May 31, 2021
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Helicobacter pylori normally infects a person's stomach during childhood. Usually, infections caused by this strain do not cause symptoms, but to detect it, this condition can lead to related diseases, including peptic ulcers and an inflammatory condition within the stomach known as gastritis. There are also other types of reactions and health conditions that can denote the presence of helicobacter pylori in our body, pay attention to the following. Getting helicobacter pylori is a sign that a food contaminated with this bacteria has been consumed, either raw or cooked, since it is resistant enough to withstand the cooking process. Most surprising of all, it has been discovered that more than half of the world's population has this bacterium, although it does not always manifest itself directly in the body. Its main advantage as a bacterium is that it is capable of living in gastric flow despite its extreme acidity, without inconvenience and for a long time. The helicobacter pylori are, of all microorganisms that inhabit the human body, the greatest incidence or greater registration has, as is present in all parts of the world, in both sexes and all ages alike. For this reason, we consider it appropriate to dedicate an informative article to its main symptoms, some few known but which must be taken into account since an early detection could help to face the effects of this bacterium in a less invasive or harmful way for the body. We invite you to read the article: how to eliminate the helicobacter pylori bacteria. Hidden Symptoms of Helicobacter pylori There are some symptoms of helicobacter pylori that can often be confused with other conditions; however, it may be the presence of this strain in the body. It is necessary to bear in mind that the symptoms can vary from person to person. 1. Abdominal swelling Although not all people with helicobacter pylori in their body have symptoms, it is known that the main reflection of it is abdominal inflammation, in some cases surprisingly. This is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms since the inflammation is usually accompanied by intestinal gas and flatulence. It is necessary for you to be clear that helicobacter pylori, candida and other parasites can also cause abdominal swelling, so it is important to detect the cause and to know what treatment it is advisable to give. Fortunately, there are stool tests that can help you find out what kinds of bugs live in your digestive system. These tests are very convenient and can save you untold amounts of time and money in getting to the cause of your symptoms. · They detect the presence of H. pylori, parasites, and candida. You can learn more about the home yeast test. · They tell you if you are digesting food properly and if you have a gluten intolerance. · They even provide information on your immune resistance, among other causes. 2. Weakness The helicobacter pylori can cause weakness generally in the body, although it has proper nutrition. Most of the time this symptom is linked to iron deficiency anemia, due to the inability of the body to effectively absorb the nutrients necessary to give the body energy during the day, where iron deficiency is also present. Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium, an etiological agent of the most common chronic infection in humans. Apparently, this germ has a notable influence on iron metabolism and at present there is much evidence of its direct relationship with iron deficiency anemia. 3. Weight loss The most notable visual indicator of the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in a person may be unexplained weight loss. If for some reason, you begin to lose weight quickly and you do not have a very clear cause, it is important to consult your doctor immediately, as it could be a symptom of the disease, although there are many causes that can generate weight loss and that they are equal or more harmful to the patient's health. Since Helicobacter pylori affects acid levels - which in turn affect the digestion of fats and proteins especially - weight loss can occur. The problem is that this weight loss is due to the loss of muscle mass, which is a dangerous way to lose weight. On the contrary, the difficulty in losing weight can also occur, although it seems ironic with the previous symptom. The reason for this is that a hormone called cortisol is produced when your body is stressed. Cortisol is known to cause weight loss or weight gain, depending on the person. This can promote weight gain in the stomach area and at the same time it can also cause loss of muscle mass. 4. Change in stool Another visual indicator to know whether or not there is the presence of helicobacter pylori is the change in the appearance of the stool to how it is usually presented when the person is healthy. Stools may turn darker over time and appear tarry with the presence of blood, this is an indicator of problems in the digestive system, due to the presence of this bacteria. In this case, a stool test is highly recommended. 5. Easy to reach satiety When in the presence of the bacteria, people can reach the degree of satiety when they eat very quickly, sometimes by consuming small amounts of food, which can trigger a picture of malnutrition. Leptin is considered a peripheral signal of energy status rather than a signal of satiety. Appetite is regulated by both a peripheral energy state signal (such as leptin) and satiety (intestinal hormones, such as ghrelin) that alter neuronal activity within the hypothalamus and, therefore, influence food and energy intake. 6. Burning sensation The burning of the mouth of the abdomen is an indicator that there gastrointestinal problems that must be addressed promptly. If this symptom is detected frequently, it is best to carry out a medical check-up in order to detect possible causes, as well as to rule out others. Inflammation of the stomach after eating meals can cause nausea, vomiting or stomach pain and burning in the area, this is another of the clearest signs of the presence of this bacterium in the body, to rule it out, it is most convenient perform a blood test. Complications associated with H. pylori Helicobacter pylori ulcers can damage the protective lining of the stomach and intestines. This allows stomach acid to create an open sore, known as an ulcer. About 10 percent of people with H. pylori will develop an ulcer. Inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Infection with this bacteria can irritate the stomach, causing inflammation and gastritis. Stomach cancer This is perhaps the most serious complication, since H. pylori infection is a strong risk factor for certain types of stomach cancer. Blindness is known to have a broad-ranging adverse influence on affected individuals, their families, and the societies in which they live and is exemplified by its association with impaired quality of life, worse general and mental health, curtailed life chances, and increased all-cause mortality. In a new study, researchers examined the association of visual health (across the full acuity spectrum) with social determinants of general health and the association between visual health and health and social outcomes. Revision Eye Supplements Reviews
fiona basil
May 28, 2021
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Pancreatic cancer ranks number 12 in malignant diseases worldwide and number 7 in terms of mortality, given by the number of patients who die as a result of this disease. Despite great efforts and countless medical advances in prevention and early detection, pancreatic cancer is detected at a late stage, when it has already invaded distant organs in more than 52% of cases, this being one of the attributable reasons to its high mortality. What is pancreatic cancer As its name indicates, pancreatic cancer is the growth of disordered cells that invade and damage the structure and function of the organ and that have the ability to spread or invade other organs of the body, causing damage to all of them. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer · Anorexia. Lack of appetite is a nonspecific early-onset sign. · Pain in the upper abdomen. Persistent pain in the upper abdomen that can vary both in intensity and frequency of appearance, is usually present throughout the disease. · Pain in the middle of the back. The back pain is of severe intensity located in the middle part. · General malaise. Non-specific sign that can last for months until the disease is detected. · Weakness or chronic fatigue. This nonspecific sign usually accompanies malignant diseases. Because the injury consumes large amounts of energy to maintain its growth. · Fever. Of unknown origin not associated with infections or colds. It usually occurs for prolonged periods of more than 5 days · Nausea. Frequent episodes of nausea that sometimes trigger vomiting · Dyspepsia. It means burning sensation and pain in the stomach. · Stomach distention. Often patients feel like their intestines are swelling up abruptly. · Marked weight loss. This loss is unintentional and is not due to caloric restrictions, that is, the patient eats even more than is normal for his lifestyle and still exhibits weight loss in a very short period of time. · Steatorrhea. It means the presence of fat in a large amount in the stool, which makes it difficult to eliminate from the toilet or toilet, as well as a strong and very unpleasant odor. · Jaundice. Marked yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. · Glucose intolerance. The alteration of the functions of the pancreas prevents the secretion of enough insulin when it is required. · Diabetes. Caused by the destruction of pancreatic cells, the ability to produce insulin is lost, triggering diabetes. · Pruritis. Episodes of itching or stinging for no apparent reason are frequent, patients show marks on their arms and abdomen as a result of this itching. How is pancreatic cancer diagnosed? After a patient has signs suggestive of pancreatic cancer and the doctor questions him, he can guide the need for tests to rule out this disease. Finding the presence of one or more masses in the abdomen during the physical examination sets off the alarms and greatly increases the risk of the patient suffering from the medical condition. In both cases, imaging tests or examinations will be indicated, which may show the injuries typical of this condition. Requested exams will include: · Computed tomography. · Ultrasonography, both transcutaneous and endoscopic. · Retrograde cholangiopancreatography. · Magnetic resonance. · Positron emission tomography. · Biopsy of the lesion (this is the definitive test, which identifies the type of cells that cause this condition). Risk factors for pancreatic cancer · Overweight and obesity. · Smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products. · Chronic pancreatitis. It is the inflammation of the pancreas on several occasions. · Parents or siblings with pancreatic cancer. · Mellitus diabetes. Pancreatic Cancer Treatment The treatment of this medical condition will depend on the stage or stage in which it is found at the time of its diagnosis. When the disease is limited to the pancreas and has not invaded neighboring organs, the organ is removed or removed. Surgical recession. Removal of the pancreas to prevent the spread of the disease and cure the patient. Palliative treatments. Intended to improve the patient's living conditions and reduce symptoms, pain management, digestive tract decompression, nutritional support, etc. Radiation therapy. Application of ionizing radiation on the affected area, to reduce the size of the tumor mass and eventually destroy it. Irreversible electro perforation of membrane. Placement of small electrodes and currents that pierce or open holes in the cell membrane, destroying malignant cells. You microwave. Use of microwaves to achieve the reduction or destruction of the tumor mass. High intensity localized ultrasound. It uses shock waves generated by ultrasound or high-frequency sound waves focused on the area where the tumor is located, to destroy its cells. The main reason people eat is because they're hungry. The body needs fuel to work throughout the day, and food is how we get that energy. The energy your body needs is measured in calories. Certain foods, like bread and grains, are high in calories while others, like celery, have almost none. Altai Balance Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 28, 2021
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The hysterectomy is the procedure through which the surgical removal of the uterus is performed. The uterus is a female organ with an internal cavity surrounded by a thick muscular layer that allows it to contract when required. This organ is located in the pelvis, bordering the bladder on its front side and the rectum on its back side. The Hysterectomy can be accompanied by the removal of the annexes or ovaries (female gonads) and fallopian tubes. However, the hysterectomy can also be done keeping the adnexa, in the event that the reason for the intervention is not involved with the ovaries and these are healthy in a young patient. The hysterectomy also be classified as total or subtotal. In the first case, it involves the complete removal of the uterus, while in subtotal hysterectomy, the uterine cervix is ​​preserved. The reason for leaving the cervix may be in cases where a shorter surgical time is required due to decompensation of the patient or due to technical difficulty in the approach, either due to adhesions or in some cases, due to an obstetric hysterectomy (that is, hysterectomy performed after the newborn is extracted, secondary to complications of labor or delivery). Indications for hysterectomy 1. When there is vaginal bleeding that increases in quantity and frequency and does not correspond to menstrual cycles, it is known as abnormal uterine bleeding. It is originally treated medically, however, if this therapy fails, hysterectomy may be indicated. Abnormal uterine bleeding is secondary to: · Myomatosis · Endometriosis (endometrial tissue outside of where it is normally found) · Adenomyosis (insertion of the endometrial glands into the uterine muscle) · Endocervical or cavitary polyps. · Endometrial hyperplasia 2. Pelvic organ prolapses. 3. Cancer of the cervix, endometrium, even as a protocol in the case of ovarian cancer. 4. Obstetric causes such as placental accreta, Couvelaire uterus (infiltration of the blood between the muscular fibers of the uterus) due to premature detachment of the placenta, uterine rupture, etc. What are the approaches to perform a hysterectomy? The hysterectomy may be performed abdominally or vaginally. There are also several surgical techniques: 1. Laparoscopic route: both abdominal and vaginal, being a minimally invasive surgery, it is performed by inserting punches or thin tubes through 3 small holes in the case of the abdomen, which allow surgical instruments such as receptacles, scissors, cautery, forceps and a camera that projects the image of the interior of the patient on a screen in the operating room, which allows the surgeon to have a clear vision for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The indication for hysterectomy is generally performed for benign pathology, so in the case of oncological surgery the ability to study the sample adequately by pathological anatomy is lost. It has the advantage of a faster recovery compared to the other routes. 2. Open abdominal route: also known as laparotomy, which is performed through a mid-abdominal incision, allowing direct vision of the surgical team on the pelvic organs. It is preferred in the case of managing oncological criteria or giant myomatous uteri (due to fibroids, which are benign uterine tumors that can generate a large increase in the volume of the uterus). 3. Vaginal route: it is the hysterectomy that is performed through the vaginal orifice, with the advantage of having a quick recovery and not leaving visible scars, frequently used in patients with obesity. Likewise, it allows the approach to joint extraction of the ovaries (oophorectomy). It is an ideal approach in the case of patients with pelvic floor disorders, such as prolapse, incontinence due to bladder descent, short perineum, etc., because other complementary procedures can be performed to correct the rest of the anatomical defects. 4. Robotic route: it is a surgical technique that is used in benign and malignant pathology of the uterus, with good safety rates and a lower rate of complications, but with high costs because it uses high robotic technology, and requires trained and trained personnel in this technique. 5. It is important to finally clarify that whatever the indication, hysterectomy should be the last option to consider after there are no effective non-surgical therapeutic options. The choice of hysterectomy as an option must be preceded by a solid diagnostic protocol, which together with the characteristics of the patient allows the choice of the best approach. It should be remembered that once the uterus is removed, there will be no menstruation again, and any subsequent vaginal bleeding should be considered pathological, the hormonal levels of estrogens and progesterones, however, not being affected if the ovaries are preserved. If you must be around a high level of noise, such as a concert or a noisy work environment, we would recommend that you wear some form of ear protection and distance yourself as much as possible from the source of the noise. Encourage those around you to act in a similar manner, especially children who won’t have the same level of awareness about the problem of hearing loss. Synapse XT Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 26, 2021
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Depression is defined as a common mental disorder that negatively affects our emotions and feelings, how we think and act. It can present as excessive feelings of sadness and loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, and it can even cause physical reactions in the body. Managing the symptoms of this condition often requires a multifaceted approach. Recently, scientists have been investigating the relationship between our gut health and our mental health. It turns out that they are more related than we think. Some experts even believe that taking probiotics for depression could help significantly improve symptoms for people with depression. Probiotics for depression: what the science says In selected studies, researchers aimed to examine the existing evidence on the effect of probiotic-based interventions on depression. Several randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis. The results of the review indicated that probiotics significantly lowered scores on the depression scale (used to measure the severity of depressive symptoms) in subjects who took them. The researchers also found that probiotics had a positive effect both in the healthy population and in patients with major depressive disorder. The gut-brain connection The researchers theorized that probiotics could play an important role in treating depression because of what they call the gut-brain connection. Bacteria in the gut can influence the production of certain hormones and chemicals that help mitigate the symptoms of depression. The gut microbiota (or bacteria in the gut) can activate the immune and central nervous systems, including commensal and pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, as gut microorganisms can produce and deliver neuroactive substances such as serotonin and gamma-acid. aminobutyric. Serotonin, also sometimes called "the happiness hormone," is responsible for stabilizing our mood and generating feelings of well-being, satisfaction, and happiness. It also participates in the communication between the cells of our brain and nervous system, and affects bodily processes such as eating, sleeping, and digestion. Interestingly, it is mentioned that 95 percent of the serotonin in the body is produced in the intestine. Similarly, gamma aminobutyric acid (also called GABA) is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger in the brain. GABA is considered an inhibitory neurotransmitter because it blocks certain brain signals and decreases the activity of the nervous system. All the studies that were reviewed showed that the influence of probiotics on bacteria in the gut yielded positive results for symptoms of depression. So paying attention to our instincts can clearly make a big difference in our mental health. As always, be sure to speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.
fiona basil
May 26, 2021
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Many people experience skin problems due to poor diet habits, such as drinking a lot of alcohol. That destroys the face because its natural complexion deteriorates depending on what you eat. The Dr. Nigma Talib, a specialist in skin care and naturopathic, author of the book "reverses the signs of aging, " explains this theory of how dietary habits can make both a disaster and wonders in the face. Bad diet habits that destroy the face This is how he explains it: “Just by analyzing how your face is aging, I know what kinds of foods you are consuming in large quantities. Sometimes I have read faces at random when I walk down the street. I always tell them to ditch the pasta and eliminate milk from their diet, as I can see from their complexion that their diet is not good for them. " Eating cereal for breakfast, bread for lunch, and pasta for dinner is enough for some people to experience bloating or bloating. Fine lines around the eyes and mouth can be caused by 1-2 glasses of wine. If your body cannot tolerate cheese or cream sauce, even with the consumption of even a small amount of these foods, you may see dark circles under your eyes. Face mapping has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. If the patient has a drinking or eating problem just by looking at the face. The form of aging is determined by the food and beverages we consume in greater quantities than we should. Many hormonal and chemical changes that accelerate the aging process from the outside and inside can be the result of foods that your body cannot digest properly. Especially the harmful food groups are the following: alcohol, sugar, dairy products and gluten. These foods are to blame for many aging symptoms including wrinkles, sagging, premature fine lines, puffiness, changes in skin tone, or blemishes. Gluten, sugar, wine and dairy face Talib stands firm in his proven theory that the food and drink we consume have a direct effect on our face. He called these symptoms derived from bad eating habits: “gluten face”, “sugar face”, “wine face” and “dairy face”. Depending on which part of your body is exposed under the most stress from the food you eat, the eyes, cheeks, chin or forehead are the areas of the face that are most affected. Sugar face sugar face bad habitsSugar face symptoms: pasty / grayish-white skin color, thinning of the skin, sore pustular spots, wrinkled appearance of the face, sagging skin under the eyes, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. When we feel tired in the afternoons, we go for some sugary foods. Increase your desire for sugar when blood sugar levels inevitably drop. Sugar reduces the elasticity of the skin. The face mapping tells us that the forehead is connected to the digestive process, which is why the "sugar face" can cause wrinkles or frown on the forehead. How to fix it: All you need to do is eliminate processed sugar from your daily diet. It may be too difficult for you, but you will never regret this decision in the future. You will soon notice some improvements in your complexion, even if you cut your sugar intake in half. You should consume natural sugar such as honey, dates or other fruits, instead of refined sugar, and in balanced amounts as well. Wine face Wine face symptoms: deep nasolabial folds, flushed cheeks and nose, dehydrated skin, enlarged pores, droopy eyelids, redness between the eyes, and fine lines. This condition is called the wine face, as it appears in people who drink a lot of alcohol. Your skin is not elastic and is constantly dehydrated so it looks dry and lifeless, while alcohol also affects the liver. How to fix it: Avoid alcohol for 20 days and apply the 80/20 rule. Enjoy 20% of the time and stay away 80% of the time. Gluten face Gluten Face Symptoms: Spots in the chin area, patches of dark pigmentation and puffy red cheeks. The most obvious symptoms of gluten intolerance are dark pigmentation or spots around the reproductive organs. Rosacea sufferers experienced great improvements when gluten was eliminated from their daily diet. How to fix it: If you find gluten to be the problem, eliminate it entirely from your diet. Eat lots of fiber and drink large amounts of water. In this way you will balance the skin and redefine the cheekbones. Dairy face Dairy face symptoms: chin swelling, small white spots, dark circles under the eyes and puffy eyelids. Over time, many people lose their ability to properly digest dairy foods. The body tends to fight dairy due to the inflammation that chemicals stimulate. The same process of inflammation that causes splintering, heat around the joints, swelling and redness, can stimulate dark circles under the eyes, inflammation and puffy eyelids. Unnatural hormones are included in much of the milk that is on the market shelves today. This milk disturbs the balance and the hormonal system, causing problems that manifest themselves around the chin. How to fix it: You should eliminate dairy from your diet for 20 days if you notice that your body cannot tolerate these products. You should analyze any changes in your energy levels, digestion and skin.

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